tworzenie zdań .

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
witam ,
prosze o sprawdzenie i poprawienie bledow oraz krotki opis dlaczego tak a nie inaczej ;D
1.uzupelnij kazde z niedokonczonych zdan tak,aby zachowac znaczenie zdania wyjsciowego.
a)"sorry i didnt warn u about my dog" dod said.
-bob apologized that he hadnt warned about his dog
b)its already mike's fourth cup of coffe today.
-mike has been drinking fourth...
c)we are enjoying the party" juile says
-.julie says that they are enojiyn the party
2.przetlumacz fragment w nawiasie
a)before last week (nigdy nie oblalem egzaminu)...i had never failed exam
b)ernest hemingway (napisal wiele )...wrote a lot of
c)he asked me (czy jestem polka).... wheter i am polish?
3.wykorzystujac wyrazy podane drukowanymi literami ,uzuplenij kazde zdanie ,tak aby zachowac znaczenie zdania wyjsciowego.
a) "i broke the window" said ian. ADDMITTED
-ian has admitted to broken the window.
b)two men were looking at the machine while we were there.LOOKED
-the machine were being looked while we were there.
c)the mechanic is repairing thei car at the moment. REPAIRED
-they ...brak pomyslu
d)i've just finished jogging and im really tired.BEEN
-im really tired because i have been jogging
e)you've won the competition .congratulation .ON
she ...... the competition.

alles klar;D


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