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Does modern technology make life more convenient, or was life better when technology was simpler?
The XXI century is the time of new highly developed technologies which are said to make human life more comfortable and easier. There are plenty of devices used in daily life including the most recognizable like computers, mp4 players or IPods. Most people especially young people follow new trends and are familiar with the usage of these devices. Does modern technology make life more convenient, or was life better when technology was simpler?

No doubt, that the technological achievements are very useful in daily life and make human life more convenient. In past people do not have opportunity to use computer or washing machine. They had to make laundry using hands and search for information they needed in the library. There were created a lot of kitchen tools which make cooking easier and people do not make an effort while doing this. The invention of mobile phones allow human beings to communicate with each other faster and simpler than ever before. Technology is becoming more and more complicated and some people have problems with using certain devices. The old people most often do not understand it and use simple tools instead of highly developed.
In my opinion , technology is very important for people and it obviously proofs their living. I believe that for young people the fast development of technology is not so troublesome as for the old ones.
a time
, including
recognizable ones
there is no doubt bez przecinka
zamiast human life dalbym our lives
in the past - i potem simple past, przed nazwami urzadzen the
make laundry to polonizm, zastanow sie, jak to napisac poprawnie
by hand
w zdaniu z a lot of kitchen tools to wyrazenie musi byc podmiotem, a za nim orzeczenie w present perfect
w zdaniu z invention zla forma czasownika, najlepiej tez dac pres perf
i po co human beings, naturalniej 'us'
simpler to nie, przeciz to skomplikowana technologia, more easily
elderly people / the elderly
highly developed ones
proof nie jest czasownikiem w tym znaczeniu - a o jakie wlasciwie znaczenie chodzi?
the elderly


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie