proszę o sprawdzenie pracy

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.

The intention of this report is to decide whether a small island would be a suitable destination for package holidays.


The small island was beautiful place. There was full of various kinds of tropical plants and animals. Moreover, the beach was clean and the water was blue as crystal. The weather was sunny during the day and chilly in the night. The island is situated near the cost so the view from it is breathtaking.

How to get there

There are few ways to get to the island. Tourist has an opportunity to use a boat with guide. Another option is to take a small plane which is more expensive and faster than sailing. For people who are not fond of flying and swimming there is a special and exclusive bus.


Tourist are allowed to choose one of type of accommodation. They can choose from staying at the new built hotel or feel the blow of the adventure and stay in hand-made shack.

Tourist Attractions

The island consist of great tourist attractions for instance ancient town built by Mays and caves being shelters for them. What is more, people can admire their sketching and see tools made from bones.

This island is certainly worth visiting as well as it is a suitable place for package holidays. Tourists who decide to go there will not regret their choice.


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