Public relations - sprawdzenie tekstu

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Public relations - although the term is defined in many ways, it is basically long-term building and maintaining good relationships between the company and environment through media. It is implementing the mission of a public nature. The main aim of public relations can be regarded as creating the image of the organization.

Public Relations has many roles within a business, but the most important may be that it serves as an outlet and tool for shaping an image,
PR is not advertising. sourcebut Advertising comes from the company and dispose people to buy smth. Public relations feels more credible; because comes an external. People tend to trust public relations more than advertising

Through PR can:
to grow brand
to expand customers area
to establish trust for the company and its products
to form a position of leadership for the company
to generate
to improve employee moral
to enhance the perceived value
to make characteristic brand image
Public relations is not advertising. Advertising comes from the company and dispose people to buy smth.
Public relations feels more credible, because comes an external source. People tend to trust public relations more than advertising.


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