List au pair proszę o pomoc! (pilne)

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Witam. Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie mojego listu nad którym troche przesiedziałam;) Zależymi na zrobieniu w miare dobrego wrażenia na rodzinie goszczącej dlatego wolałabym nie popełnić językowych byków;) Dziekuje!

Dear Family
Firstly,I should mention that my English is not uncommonly perfect but I hope you will give me a chance and take a pleasure with find some important information about my personality;))

My name is Anna and I am almost 19 years old girl from one of the most admirable place in Poland- Cracow! I live in affectionate family in the heart of the city. My mum spends a lot of time with children -she works in a primary school and common room so it was the reason why I became interested in children care. I help her very often with preparing festives and organizing plastic arts.
My lovely older broher is an engineer as well as my dad. He's always kept an close eye on order and rules in our home but he also taught me a pertinacity in achieve goals and fulfill my dreams.
I’ve graduated high school this year and I want to study pedagogy or architecture in the future( Yes, I’m mixture of my parents;) but spend some time abroad will be a short breath for my career work and some kind of adventure that I’ve always been looking for.

I was brought up on the country where my grandparents and whole relatives live. I've spent there numerous of holidays associate with nature and taking care for the youngest members of the family- Dawid and Zosia. Last year I became godmother to litlle Szymon too- he is the best children in the world!

While I was studying I also took care about two children from my neighbourhood and worked as a volunteer. I uncovered that helping other people with their daily problems and share our lifes give me incredibly many benefits – it enriches my personality.

I find open and optimistic family with sense of humor like I do.
People who live in positive atmosphere without quarrels and stress, (children can sense when someone is nervous).

Finally, I am sure that my decision about being your au pair is responsible and mature although it is challenging. It connects my passion and experience. I hope you will treat it like mutual help rather than serious and strict work. I would be delighted if you allow me to participate in your daily family life ;)

I’m looking forward to hearing from you! ;)

Anna, please describe yourself and tell us about your interestsIn my opinion, I’m enough responsible and reliable so you can entrust my your children so that they would be safe and sound. Being artistic soul and mature person is the best connection for future au pair I think.

As a typical au pair I am friendly and open-minded . But as untypical person I am extremely honest and cheerful girl who has many creative ideas. I am keen on art especially painting and designing so I could teach your children how to create posters, paint pictures and make cut-outs.
Balanced,active lifestyle is very important to me so sport is my daily routine: I like swimming,cycling, making trips, jogging but I am willing to get to know hobbies of your children as well.
Furthermore we can prepare nutritious meals together, teach how to eat wholefood because cooking healthy is my other mission;)
I’ve always been very ambitious and stubborn but in a positive way.
I can also help you in your household chores so that you can relax durning your day.
Last but not least,I love spending time with other people from foreign culture talking about our differences and similarities..and remember I’m inappropriate optimist;)
(Some people even say that I’m smiling too often so it could be my biggest flaw)

why do you want to work as an au pair?There are plenty of reasons!

Firstly, staying with children give me a lot of saticfaction. I love observing how they develop their abilities and gain brand-new knowlegde. Looking how they learn new words and put they first steps make me feel happy .
Moreover,I truly believe that au pair experience will help me gain new experience and practice which allow to study pedagogy more effectively.

Apart from that, I love travelling,finding out stunning places.I have only few dreams:one of them is get acquainted with other culture, customs and traditions and find people in the other country who help me adapt in new milieu. Who knows? Maybe I would be fascinated by your contry and maybe I will make new relationships that will last for whole my life;) Another goal that I want to achieve is improve my English language and learn how to speak with real native accent.

So please, help me fulfill my biggest dream!;)

P.S. I believe that it’s worth to try new things so we can try and see how the effect will be. (The holiday time is the best for test our cooperation)
I’m sure you wan’t be disappointed


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