Zdania do sprawdzenia bardzo pilne! prosze

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Witam prosze o sprawdzenie tekstu ponizej, wiem ze panuje tam chaos na jutro musze to miec :( proosze bardzo i z góry dziekuje !
In my opinion being the youngest child in a family is very good thing. One big advantage would be that parents to give the most attention to the youngest child in a family. Another benefit of being the youngest child has a lot of toys from oldest siblings. Older siblings mostly loves younger brothers or sisters and they are very helpful tutelary. The downside to being youngest child get beat up, and picked on by older siblings. Youngest child often must do all home works I think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages because I’m the youngest child in my family and I to be at ease with that.
trzecie zdanie 'kolejna korzysc z bycia najmlodszym ma duzo zabawek od starszych'
tutelary ?
the youngest child
zdanie z downside podobnie smieszne jak zdanie nr 3, poza tym jezeli w poprzednim zdaniu pisze sie, ze starsi sa dobrzy i pomocni, to jako mozna zaraz napisac, ze bija i dokuczaja?
household chores
wniosek nie jest uzasadniony
koncowka niegramatyczna i niezrozumiala
poprawilem prosze rzucic okiem
In my opinion being the youngest child in a family is very good thing. One big advantage would be that parents to give the most attention to the youngest child in a family. The youngest child has a lot of toys from oldest siblings that is another advantage . Older siblings mostly loves younger brothers or sisters and they are very helpful and caring. The downside to being youngest child sometimes get beaten up, and picked on by older siblings. Youngest child often must do all household chores. I’m the youngest child in my family (mimo sporadycznych klotni ze starszym rodzenstwiem dobrze się dogaduje ) and I think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages being the youngest child in family. (tutaj prosze o pomoc nie wiem jak napisac ta koncowke)
to give = dać
which is another adsvantage
pisalem cos o love
zdanie z downside nadal bez sensu
kilka inny poprawek nie wprowadzono.
jezeli nie wiesz, jak cos przetlumaczyc, uloz prostsze zdanie. To jest Twoja wypracowanie i ma byc napisane na Twoim poziomie
In my opinion being the youngest child in a family is very good thing. One big advantage would be that parents give the most attention to the youngest child in a family. The youngest child has a lot of toys from oldest siblings which is another adsvantage.. Older siblings mostly love younger brothers or sisters and they are very helpful and caring. Youngest child often must do all household chores and The downside to being youngest child sometimes get beaten up, and picked on by older siblings.
zdanie z downside nadal bez sensu
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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