Write a conversation

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- Hi Tom, what do you think of surprise dinner for Agnieszka on the occasion of her birthday?
- I think that's a great idea! What exactly do you want to do?
- I'm going to prepare a beef dish. I'll buy fresh vegetables and I'll make salad.
- She rather don't like beef. I know that her favourite food is Italian cuisine.
- In that case we should prepare a spaghetti. In addition to main course, we can buy a red wine as well. Besides that, we should give her a bunch of flowers. We can also prepare a chocolate cake for dessert. What do you think of it?
- It sounds fantastic! She would be very happy.

Za wszelkie poprawki i wskazówki będę wdzięczny :)
- Hi Tom, what do you think of (lepiej by chyba "how about making/preparing") a surprise dinner for Agnieszka on the occasion of her birthday?
- I think that's a great idea! What exactly do you want to do?
- (I think) I'm going to prepare a beef dish. I'll buy some fresh vegetables and make a salad.
- She rather doesn't like beef. I know that her favourite food is Italian cuisine.
- In that case we should prepare a spaghetti. In addition to main course, we can buy a (some) red wine as well. Besides, that, we should give her a bunch of flowers. We can / could also prepare a chocolate cake for dessert. What do you think of it?
- It sounds fantastic! She will be very happy.

Tak myślę.
Dziękuję Ci bardzo ;).
Besides - In addition /np/
She rather doesn't like beef.
Somehow, this sentence doesn't do it for me but I can't put my finger on it.
edytowany przez fui_eu: 18 lis 2012
Cytat: fui_eu
She rather doesn't like beef.
Somehow, this sentence doesn't do it for me but I can't put my finger on it.

Maybe: "I don't think she likes beef"?
And you're right about the "besides", "in addiciton" is better here. :))
"on the occassion of her birthday" - too formal a phrase to use in a normal conversation
Zauwazylem ze juz jest 'in addition' w poprzedzajacym zdaniu, mozna cos innego wstawic albo troche zmienic zeby posowalo.
Bardzo dziękuję za Waszą pomoc:).
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