Qualities of a good teacher- paragraf

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Qualities of a good teacher

Teachers play an important role in training people in each age. One of the most important features of a responsible teacher is well-organization. He should coming to class on time, as to be a valid model for students. In advance he has a lesson plan ready for each class and give syllabus to students at the beginning of the term. Some of the qualities are inherently related with personality. Teacher which has a sense of humor is more friendly for students. Humor within the classroom can ease any stress. A good teachers have a passion and enthusiasm for teaching. They want to make a difference in the lives of your students. Another quality that a good teacher should have is professional knowledge. He needs to enlarge his general knowledge from different spheres of life. Reliable teachers introducing strict but clear rules. Moreover should keep calm in any situation. Being a teacher is not easy, it requires a lot of dedication and discipline, but most important is to love your job.
Teachers play an important role in training people 'in' (zle slowo) each age. One of the most important features of a responsible teacher is 'well' (zle slowo)-organization. He should 'coming' (zle slowo) to class on time, SO as to be a 'valid' (zle slowo) model for (cos brak) students. 'In advance he has a lesson plan' (zla kol slow) ready for each class and (cos brak) give (cos brak) syllabus to students at the beginning of the term.
(cos brak) teacher 'which' (pomysl, to przeciez jest czlowiek, wtedy WHO) has a sense of humor is more friendly for students.
'A' (niepotr) Good teachers have a passion and enthusiasm for teaching. They want to make a difference in the lives of 'your' (zle slowo) students.
Reliable teachers 'introducing' (zle slowo) strict but clear rules. Moreover (kto? co?) should keep calm in any situation.

Masz problemy z przedimkami (a, an, the). MUSISZ sie tego nauczyc.
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