przykra historia, w której ktoś napotkał obcych

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
It was a hot summer night in June. Two experienced astronauts went on unknown ornat. "We are here, can you believe in this?" said Tom, he came out spacecraft to look around new, interesting and amazing planet. "Yes, finally. I thought we would stayed in this uncomfortable costium to the end of our life." answered Anna and followed at the back Tom. They closed a vehicle and they decided look for clean water source because they hadn't yet.

Easy planet was uninhabitied by other creatures, they was thinking like this. They didn't know what will happen to them. They were visiting, admiring and still searching water place but it wasn't be. Suddenly they saw wooden house with beautifull and healthy garden. It was strange, scary and terrible because "how can be some house on center desert planet?" asked Anna. "I don't know, maybe somebody was befor us but this is impossible!" answered Tom. Both grabed their hands and went toward absurd house. They knocked to the door and they were waiting, they were doing this three times but nobody didn't open the door and they weren't hearing murmur and whisper. Nobody wasn't at home. They turned on to going and anexpectedly "something" stayed on the opposite them. It was very very very high and had big eyes with flames inside. This creature was unscrupulans fierce and ready to do something wrong. Anna quickly undergoed legs but Tom unfortunetly fell into the trap huge monster. As hard as one can lick Anna ran to spacecraft and tried inform central base but nobody wasn't asking. She was devastated, she didn't know what she must do and she hadn't any ideas how she can helps Tom. She decided that will find him and will kill this freak. When she came back in the same place nobody nowhere wasn't be. She looked around herself and she saw that in this charming garden is a lot of tombstones with dates. Ones was new and she saw todays date. She was shocked and surprised. Immediately she started dig, deeper and deeper, she felt something, something humanity and saw murdered Tom. She cried, jolly loudly and afflicted. She hadn't a power for revenge, she was exhausted. She came back on the Earth.

Alle crew was confused, gloomy and overwhelmed. No one didn't suppose such a course of events.
Two experienced astronauts went on (brak przedimka) unknown 'ornat' (nie wiem co to jest). "We are here, can you believe 'in this' IT?" said Tom, he came out (brak 2 slowa, jedno to przedimek)spacecraft to look around (przedimek) new, interesting and amazing planet. "Yes, finally. I thought we would HAVE stayed in this uncomfortable 'costium' (nie wiem co to jest) to the end of our life." answered Anna and followed 'at the back' (niepotr) Tom. They closed 'a' THE vehicle and they decided look for (przedimek) clean water source. 'because they hadn't yet' (tego to nie rozumiem).

Easy planet was uninhabitied by other creatures, 'they was' (hello - oczekuje wiecej od ciebie - nie rob takich bledow) thinking. 'like this' (niepotr).
They were visiting, admiring and still searching FOIR (przedimek) water place but it wasn't 'be' (cos tu nie tak). Suddenly they saw (przedimek) wooden house with (przedimek) beautifull and healthy garden. It was strange, scary and terrible because "how can THERE be some house 'on' (zle slowo) (przedimek) 'center' (centre-BrE) OF (przedimek) desert planet?" asked Anna. "I don't know, maybe somebody was HERE beforE us but this is impossible!" answered Tom. Both 'grabed' (ortog) their hands and went towardS (przedimek) 'absurd' (zle slowo) house. They knocked to the door and they 'were waiting' WAITED, they 'were doing' DID this three times but nobody 'didn't' (niepotr) openED the door and they 'weren't' (nie pisz takich dziwact - wszystko w calosci - tutaj tego to nawet nie rozumiem) hearing murmurS and whisperS. Nobody 'wasn't' (zle slowo) at home. They turned 'on to going' TO GO and 'anexpectedly' (ortog) "something" 'stayed' (appeared) 'on the' (niepotr) opposite them. It was (przedimek) 'very very very' (napisz 'extremely') 'high' TALL and had big (daj tutaj FLAMING) eyes. 'with flames inside' (niepotr). This creature was 'unscrupulans' (ortog ale i tak zle slowo) fierce and ready to do something 'wrong' (nie, napisz 'unexpected'). Anna quickly 'undergoed legs' (nie rozumiem) but Tom 'unfortunetly' (ortog) fell into the trap (brak 2 slowa, jedno to przedimek) huge monster. As hard as 'one can' (she could) 'lick' (niepotr) Anna ran to (przedimek) spacecraft and tried TO inform (przedimek) central base but nobody 'wasn't' (mylisz sie, przeczytaj jeszcze raz o uzywanie 'no' i ''not' 'asking' ANSWERING). She was devastated, she didn't know what she 'must' HAD TO do and she hadn't any ideas how she 'can' COULD 'helps' HELP Tom.
When she came back 'in' TO the same place nobody WAS 'nowhere wasn't be' (anywhere to be seen). She looked around 'herself' (niepotr) and she saw that in 'this' A charming garden THERE 'is' WAS a lot of 'tombstones with dates' (napisz 'dated tombstones'). 'Ones was' SOME WERE new and she saw todays date.
Immediately she started (brak slowa) dig, deeper and deeper, she felt something, something 'humanity' (human) and saw (przedimek) murdered Tom. She cried, jolly loudly and 'afflicted' (nie rozumiem tego slowa tutaj). She hadn't 'a' THE power for revenge, she was exhausted. She came back 'on the' TO Earth.

'Alle' ALL (porzedimek) crew 'was' (WERE - bo crew to wiecej jak jedna osoba) confused, gloomy and overwhelmed. No one 'didn't suppose' (supposed) such a course of events.

Masz problemy z przedimkami (a, an, the). MUSISZ sie tego nauczyc i to dzisiaj.