Proszę o sprawdzenie ćwieczeń - Passive Voice.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam serdecznie,
Bardzo zależy mi na sprawdzeniu tych ćwiczeń, które w całości zrobiłam sama, ale nie mam takiej wiedzy, żeby wiedzieć czy są poprawne czy nie. Są to ćwiczenia przygotowujące do kolokwium z gramatyki. Byłabym wdzięczna za poprawę i wytłumaczenie mi konkretnych przykładów w których zrobiłam błąd.
Pozdrawiam serdecznie, i czekam zniecierpliwością na jakąkolwiek odpowiedź...

1. Change the following into the passive. Use the agent only if necessary.
a) The girls were writing a letter.
A letter was being written by the girls.
b) Amateur actors are going to perform this play.
This play is going to be performed by amateur.
c) You must keep to the rules.
The rules must be kept.
d) People made him resign.
A resign was made to him by people.
e) John has to post those letters as soon as possible.
Those letters have to be posted by John as soon as possible.

2. Change one type of passive (impersonal) into the other (personal):
a) It was said that John was a mechanic.
John is said to be a mechanic.
b) It was said that Mary would do it.
Mary is said she will do it.
c) It is believed that Frank wasn’t waiting for them.
Frank believes to haven’t waiting for them.

3 Change the following causative „have”
a)Someone had to repair Mrs Gray’s leaking tap.
Mrs Gray’s had to leaking tap repaired.
b) A dentist is going to fill Mark’s tooth.
Mark’s tooth is going to be filled by a dentist.

4. Change the following to the passive. Whenever possible it shoul start with a person.
a) Someone will have to explain maths to John.
Maths will have been explained to John.
b) Someone is going to send the message to Jim.
Jim is going to sent the message.

5. Passivise the following starting with the words in italics:
a) She hasn’t returned the book to me yet.
I had the book returned to me.
b) Publishers were always rejecting the pieces I wrote.
I had always had the pieces rejected to me.
c) They were talking about her behind her back.
She was being talked about behind her back.
d) They knew that John hadn’t done that.
John was known not to have done it.
e) They say he was waiting for them.
He is said to have been waiting for them.
f) Someone had pulled my hair.
I had had my hair pulled.
g) Someone agreed that something must be done about it. (Don’t start with that here!)
It is agreed that sth must be done about it.
h)They are going to refund the costs to him.
He is going to have the costs refunded.
i) They think he has been working here for a month.
He is thought to have been working here for a moth.
j) They said that he was watching TV.
He was said to be watching TV.

6. Tick only the sentences where the italicised element can become a subject in the corresponding passive.
a) They recommended him a hotel. OK
b) The decision cost him his life. NO
c) They owe him a lot of money. OK
d) His move saved us a lot of trouble. OK
e) They made him an offer. OK
f) She spared me a pencil. NO

7. Correct the mistakes if necessary.
a) He had his car stolen to him. OK
b) He is owed a lot of money. OK
c) This car is too dangerous to drive it. OK
d) Don’t stand so close to the water so that you won’t fall.
Don’t stand so close to the water so that you would’t fallen
e)He had his salary cut be half. OK
f) He wasn’t demonstrated the experiment.
The experiment hadn’t be demonstrated.
g) I’ll leave her a note in case she will think I’m away.
I’ll leave her a note in case she would thought I’m away.
h) He went on working despite he was very tired. OK

W zad. 1 dwie rzeczy do poprawy.
b) This play is going to be performed by amateur.......

d) People made him resign.
He ..................................................
b) It was said that Mary would do it.
Mary is said to ...................................
c) It is believed that Frank wasn’t waiting for them.
Frank is believed to ..................................................................
a)Someone had to repair Mrs Gray’s leaking tap.
Mrs Gray’s had her/the leaking tap repaired.
b) A dentist is going to fill Mark’s tooth.
Mark is going to have his tooth filled by a dentist.
a) Someone will have to explain maths to John.
Maths will have to be explained to John.
b) Someone is going to send the message to Jim.
The message is going to be sent to John.
Niektore zdania zaznaczone ok w #7 nie sa poprawne.
To jak w tym zadaniu pierwszym powinno być, bo ja już nie mam na to pomysłu...
na prawdę nie mogę tego passivu zrozumieć... nie wiecie może gdzie jest jasno wytłumaczona teoria potrzebna do zrobienia tych zadań?
Cytat: arraya
b) It was said that Mary would do it.
Mary is said to ...................................
c) It is believed that Frank wasn’t waiting for them.
Frank is believed to ..................................................................

Przepraszam, powinno być:
Mary was said to ................................................
Cytat: arraya
W zad. 1 dwie rzeczy do poprawy.
b) This play is going to be performed by amateur.......

d) People made him resign.
He ..................................................

W zdaniu b) trzeba dopisać tylko jedno słowo, które pominęłaś.

W zdaniu d) musisz napisać: Został zmuszony do zrezygnowania.
być zmuszonymzrobić coś - be made to do something
b) Amateur actors are going to perform this play.
This play is going to be performed by amateur actors ;)

d) People made him resign.
He was made to resign by people?
2. Change one type of passive (impersonal) into the other (personal):
a) It was said that John was a mechanic.
John is said to be a mechanic.

W zdaniu masz It was said ... zatem w swoim zdaniu też piszesz John was said ....
Cytat: mikey1095
b) Amateur actors are going to perform this play.
This play is going to be performed by amateur actors ;)

d) People made him resign.
He was made to resign by people?

Nie trzeba dodawać "by people". A tak super.

a) It was said that John was a mechanic.
John was said to be a mechanic.
Cytat: mikey1095

a) It was said that John was a mechanic.
John was said to be a mechanic.

Tak. Dokładnie.
b) It was said that Mary would do it.
Mary is said to do it.
c) It is believed that Frank wasn’t waiting for them.
Frank is believed to haven’t waiting for them.
Czy tak bedzie poprawnie?
A reszta zadań?
7. Correct the mistakes if necessary.
a) He had his car stolen to him. do poprawy
b) He is owed a lot of money. OK
c) This car is too dangerous to drive it.
d) Don’t stand so close to the water so that you won’t fall.
Don’t stand so close to the water so that you would’t fallen tak dziwne ze nie wiem
Don't stand so close to the water because you may fall ????
e)He had his salary cut be half. do poprawy
f) He wasn’t demonstrated the experiment.
The experiment wasn't demonstrated to him.
g) I’ll leave her a note in case she will think I’m away.
po in case powinno być Present Simple
I’ll leave her a note in case she would thought I’m away.
h) He went on working despite he was very tired.
po despite powinno być:
despite the fact that he was very tired
despite being very tired
7. Correct the mistakes if necessary.
a) He had his car stolen to him. do poprawy
He had car stolen to him
e)He had his salary cut be half. do poprawy
He had his salary to be cut half
g) I’ll leave her a note in case she will think I’m away.
I’ll leave her a note in case she thinks I’m away.

He had his car stolen to him. Jak dajesz komus to bedzie TO, a jak kradniesz /zabierasz od kogos/ to jak bedzie?
He had his car stolen him. ?
Podpowiem ci:
He had his car stolen to him. Jak dajesz komus to bedzie TO, a jak kradniesz /zabierasz OD kogos/ to jak bedzie?
He had his car stolen
Cytat: mikey1095
He had his car stolen

/zabierasz OD kogos/ OD = FROM him
Ja sie wzorowalem na zdaniu wyjsciowym. Fakt, moze wystarczylo by tylko agenta opuscic.
He had his salary cut be BY half. Moze tez IN half./?/
A reszta jest dobrze?
2 C Frank is believed not to have been waiting.
5 A I haven't had the book returned yet.

5 B He was always having the pieces rejected.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


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