Prośba o pomoc w opowiadaniu "Better late than Ever"

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"Better late than ever"

Everything started last year, when I went to my friend to Wroclaw. We haven't seen ech other for a really long time, so we were excited that finally we spend some time together. I came late, therefore we ate a dinner and went to bed.
Next days passed on talking, partying and creating crazy memories. I came back after 4 days. My boyfriend, Ulises picked me up from railway station. I missed him very much and I was glad that he came, although I had awareness that something is not right for few days. We have been arguing incessantly. I thought that It was ordinary crisis, after 1,5 year spent together. Every couple at least once get through the crisis, right?
One day we have quarrelled so much, that we broke up. I felt awfully. I didn't wanted to talk with him and even think about it what happened. I could sleep all afternoons.
After a week we decided to meet. We talked for a really long time, but I couldn't intercommunicate with him.
He behaved very strangely. I asked him to show me his cellphone. I found some text messages from a firls, with who he had something in common once. I calmly asked him if he betrayed me, though I had the feeling that my heart goes into my throat, and I already knew the answer. He confirmed. I started to cry, scream and told him to get out. I couldn't bear it. I told him that I will never forgive him.
For a period of 5 or 6 days I couldn't go out from bed. The only question, which has stucked in my head was:" Why? All this time we was saying that he loves me, but the truth was he was meeting with another behind my back" I had to know the answer. Sooner or later the meeting was unavoidable. We lived next to each other and almost every day there was a chanse that we may meet at the bus stop. I barely took the cellphone to my hand, I got a message with request for meeting. I agreed. We arranged to meet in our favourite place - in wood. It's a place where we used to walk as a happy couple. I missed him very much, though he hurt me severely. During the conversation he said something I will never forget: " I know that it wil be difficult to start again. You have to know, I won't give up. Up till now I was witless and I didn't appreciate You. I thought that You always be by my side, no matter how I will behave. I was wrong. I can't stand awareness that I lost You. I beg You for forgiveness and last chance.
I didn't know what to say. Finally I decided to give him the second chance. It get through to him that I will not put up with all his faults. Better late than ever, right?


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


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