czasy angielskie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie :)

Zdania z czasami teraźniejszymi ( Present Continuous, Present Simple, Present Prefect, Present Perfect Continuous)
1. I usually FINISH (finish) work at 6, and it TAKES (take) me ten minutes to walk home.
2. You should turn your lights on. It IS GETTING (get) dark.
3. My parents HAVE KEPT (keep) dogs since I was six years old.
4. They HAVE BEEN (be) married for 25 years.
5. HAVE YOU BEEN WAITING (you, wait) here for long?

Zdania z future tenses and future form ( Present Continuous, be going to, Future Simple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect, Future Perfect Continuous)
1. I WON'T GO (not,go) to be party unless you come with me.
2. According to the time table the train IS LEAVING (leave) at 9.32.
3. Don't call me at 5. I AM GOING TO HAVE (have) an important meeting then.
4. By the end of next month I ....... (complete) my Bachelor's dissertation.
5. Don't look there.It IS GOING TO BLOW (to blow) any minute now.

Passive voice and HAVE + SOMETHING + DONE
1. I paid the cleaning lady to come and clean our carpets.
2. People believe that he won a lot of money on the lottery.
3.The police are investigating her disappearance.
4. My friends have invited me to their wedding,
5. People say that swimming is good exercise for your back.

Duzymi literami są moje odpowiedzi. Sprawdzi ktoś? I pomoże ktoś przy reszcie zdań z Passive voice, a przede wszystkim wytłumaczy mi have+something+done , bo ciężko znaleźć jakąś informacje na ten temat.
2. timetable future!
3 nie
4 'by' wymaga użycia okreslonego czasu

1. czemu tomorrow? I czemu simple present?
2 it is... albo he is....
4 jaki problem?
5 it is... albo swimming is...

have sth done - bylo mnostwo watkow na ten temat
Tak to będzie?
2. According to the time table the train LEAVES at 9.32
3. Don't call me at 5. I WILL HAVE an important meeting then.
4. By the end of next month I WILL HAVE COMPLETED my Bachelor's dissertation.

Passive voice.
1. I paid the cleaning lady to come and clean our carpets.
I ...... tomorrow. - tomorrow było w zdaniu już, ale nie mam pojęcia jak ono powinno brzmieć.

5. People say that swimming is good exercise for your back.
Swimming is said to be good exercise for your back.

4. My friends have invited me to their wedding.
I had invited to wedding by my friends.

2. People believe that he won a lot of money on the lottery.
He is believed to has won a lot of money on the lottery.

Prosze o sprawdzenie.
Proszę bardzo o sprawdzenie.
3 future continuous
2, 4 ok

1. a wiec have sth done w present continuous - bo to jednorazowa umowiona czynnosc w przyszlosci
5 ok
4 have been invited
2 po 'to' ma byc bezokolicznik, a wiec nie 'has'.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia