List z prośbą o informację. Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie :)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Napisz list do szkoły językowej w Oxfordzie z zapytaniem o letni kurs jezykowy. Podaj cel i wyraź swoje zainteresowanie konkretnym kursem. Zapytaj ile godzin nauki tygodniowo obejmuje i jakie zakwaterownie zapewniają. Zapytaj gdzie planowane sa wycieczki i upewnij sie czy mozna zaprosci na nie przyjaciół. Zapytaj o cene i znizki i porpos o szybka odp.

Dear Sir or Madam,
I read your advertisement in a local newspaper and I would like to ask a few questions concerning your offer.
I am interested in a summer, English beginner's course in Oxford.
Do you think you could give me more details about this offer?
Firstly, could you please tell me exactly how many hours of teaching weekly is?
Secondly, I need to know your requirements concerning the accomodation.
Another matter, I need information on is where the trips planning are? Could I go for its with my friends? I also require informations on the cost of the course.
Moreover, I would like to know if you give any discount for teenage students?
Finally, I would appreciate it if you could send me a leaflet.
I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.Thank you in advance for your help.
Yours faithfully,


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie