Prezentacja - hometown

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Good afternoon

First of all I'd like to introduce myself My name is Adam and today we’re going to talk about my hometown.
XXX is one of the most beautiful cities in Poland. It is situated in Silesia in southern Poland, near Katowice with population around 200 hundred thousand. You can find there a lot of attractive.
Firs of all you should visit FC Drużyna stadium in sobieskiego street, currently stadium is beeing upgraded and will be open again at spring. It is interesting that in the past the stadium called Adolf hitler name. FC Drużyna is one of the moste honored team in polish football. In club building you can see all of the cups and medals. Of course we have a lot of others sporting centres that u can go.
If you don’t interested in sports you can also visit House of music and dancing. you can go there on concert or other artistic performance. Sometimes you can meet there interesting and famous people.
Next The main street leads us towards square market with the town hall in the centre. Most of buildings surrounding it were built in XIX century. Walking the streets you can find that they are a part of the symmetrical network.
Then if you want you can go eat or do shopping in the one of the biggest shopping centre in region, you find there everything you want.
What’s more u can meet there a lot of gypsies, we have the thirth aggregation of them in poland, they live on buchenwalczyków street. Half of them are friendly but you should avoid this street after bacause they can also be very dangerous!!!
Moreover you can visit coal mining museum, you will learn there a lot about miner’s life, how they live, how they work et cetera. A lot of tourist are impressed by this place!
If u are interested in mining we also have mines. one of the most known is Broka mine. Tourists can go down under surface and ride a mine lift.
Finally What is interesting? I’ll tell you In XXX was carried first heart transplantation in poland! In the past adolf hitler was honor zabrze citizen, and there are a lot of street which was called by his name! In nowadays is the city of pleasant people and possibilities. every one can find there something interesting.

Thank you for your attention, It was pleasure talking to you Have you got any questions? right, if nobody wants to ask anything else I think we can finish here
O jakim miescie opowiadasz i gdzie to jest uwzglednione?
Ok, juz wiem. XXX:)
Może być? ;)
Nie moze byc. Moglbys okazac jakas starannosc i w miedzyczasie sam poprawic np rzeczowniki wlasne i literowki. Stawiasz litery wielkie gdzie nie powinienes a tam gdzie musza byc, to sa male. Brakuje rowniez przedimkow. Druzyna nie jest slowem ang. You can find there a lot of attractive. = Mozesz znalezc duzo atrakcyjnych /?/
i 'u' 'u' 'u' przypomina mi krzyki malp w klatkach w zoo. Co to ma byc?
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.