Opowiadanie - jak nieumiejętne korzystanie z nowej technologii doprowadza do niebezpieczeństwa

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
One year ago Joe decided to buy a new car. This was to be a gift for his 50th birth. Everything seemed to be fine, and so it was, until April 18.
Joe's friends knew about his idea and they decided to use it. For his birthday gift they bought him the most modern GPS. Joe was obviously very happy but he didn's say to them that he had no idea how to use it.
April 18 of that year the weather was great, so Joe arranged a trip outside the city. He was feeling amazing. He was driving in his new car to the places where he has never been.
When it was getting dark Joe decided to go back home. He switched on the GPS and he was trying to set it up, but it wasn't so easy.. Finally he pressed some buttons and navigation switched off. He didn't know how to fix it.
He was sure that he can easily get back home, but after tens ofd kilometers he had no idea where he is. He wanted to call someone but he did't take a phone from home. Finally he saw a phone booth and he went to make a phone call. Joe was very stressed and forgot to lock the car and then unexpectedly two young men stole the car..
After all police found the stolen car and Joe went back home safely. He learned that he should not use modern technology if he don't know how to use it.

Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie. :)


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