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Hello Mark
How are you? I hope you're okay.
I am writing this letter to you because i am on camping now.
I choose this form of rest because here people promote healthy lifestyle.
Almost every day we wake up at 7 o'clock and we have morning warm-up.
Later we eat breakfast and we go on the beach. On the beach we often play volleyball and swim in sea. Around noon we come back on dinner and in the afternoon we go on a walk to nearby town. Last Wednesday educators organised a competition. It was necessary to ate many apples in a minute. The winner ate 15 apple. Then he had stomach problems but win is win.
I am wainting for your answet.
Greetings Paul
edytowany przez bombelek18: 13 mar 2013
jestem NA obozie, idziemy NA plaze albo NA kolacje, ETC brzmi dobrze po polsku ale w ang uzywamy inne przyimki. Sprobuj uzupelnic brakujace przedimki. Sa inne bledy.
edytowany przez fui_eu: 13 mar 2013


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