List do redakcji-"Brak zainteresowań młodych ludzi"

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jako,że jestem juz dość "stara",a języka obcego, w dodatku rosyjskiego a nie angielskiego,uczyłam się w podstawówce,bardzo prosiłabym Was o poprawienie mojego tekstu.Sama nie dam rady,a na translatory liczyć nie można.No...jestem głąb w temacie i tyle.
Dear Editor. I would like to share your opinion on the stated by J. Nowak, article of 22.01.2013r., Fri "No interest in young people." I think that the opinions contained in it are unfair. Author says: "Youth is characterized by a lack of interest ..." is incorrect. Once the youth actually was more aligned. And if p.Nowak said that is not the case, then contradict obvious facts. But when I hear how young people used to all interested, and now sit at home in front of TVs and computers, without doing anything else, unfortunately I can not agree with that.Did previous generations were at the disposal of such things? Once young people in the home did not have anything to do, and now have access to the entertainment, knowledge and development interests and passions. Author wrote: "The young people do not have passion ..". On the contrary, let's take for example, linguistic skills, but this is also an area of interest for young people. Today, young people are not evil, just confused, often not very sure of their place in life.Thank you for publishing my letter.


No tak niestety,inaczej i tak bym nie dała rady...dla mnie to "wiedza tajemna" he,he