Rozprawka maturalna

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
In searching for a better life and prosperity people abandon their countries and dwell in another. Sometimes it seems to be an adventure but usually the circumstances make them do this which is not a pleasure.
It is common that people going abroad usually go alone. They leave their families and live in other country without close people – parents, wifes, husbands, friends who they miss very much. Even if the tickets were cheaper it would not be possible to visit each other often enough. Moreover, people usually go abroad to work there and it may be more stressful than just living in foreign country. Even though you know language you may have problems with understand vary accent and phrases you have not known before. It can makes you worry if you are responsible for important things at work.
On the other hand working abroad is a fantastic opportunity to get to know the culture, places and people of new country. It is said that the travel broadens your mind and living in foreign place gives you more time and more ways to do this. What is more, working abroad gives you also new experience and let you extend your skills. And you earn more money than in your country.
On balance, there is no answer whether it is well or unwell to live and work abroad. It is important to take all pros and cons under consideration and think if we can loss or gain more.
In searching for a better life and prosperity people abandon their (tutaj cos brakuje) countries and 'dwell' (nie za trafne slowo) in another. Sometimes it seems to be an adventure (przecinek przed 'but') but usually the circumstances make them do 'this' (daj inne slowo) which is not a pleasure.
It is 'common' (nie za trafne slowo, daj 'usual') that people (tu brak 2 słowa) going abroad usually go alone. They leave their families and live in ANother country without close people – parents, 'wifes, husbands' (jest tez slowo 'spouses'), friends whoM they miss very much. Even if the tickets were cheaper it would not be possible to visit each other often enough. Moreover, people usually go abroad to work there and it may be more stressful than just living in (przedimek) foreign country. Even though you know (przedimek) language you may have problems with 'understand' (zmien - cos brak) 'vary' (zle slowo) accentS and phrases you have not 'known'(lepiej 'come across') before. It can 'makes' (nie, tutaj jest modal to 'make') you worry if you are responsible for important things at work.
On the other hand working abroad is a fantastic opportunity to get to know the culture, places and people of (przedimek) new country. It is said that 'the' (niepotr) travel broadens your mind and living in (przedimek) foreign place gives you more time and more ways to do this. What is more, working abroad gives you also new experience and 'let' (jak masz 'gives' to dlaczego nie 'lets'?) you extend your skills. 'And' (nie zaczynaj zdan z 'and' to nie jest funkcja tego słowa) you earn more money than in your country.
On balance, there is no answer whether it is 'well' (zle slowo) or 'unwell' (zle slowo) to live and work abroad. It is important to take all pros and cons under consideration and think if we can 'loss' (zle slowo) or gain more.

Zrob cos z tymi przedimkami (a, an, the)
people abandon their (tutaj cos brakuje) countries
their own countries
make them do 'this' (daj inne slowo)
that people (tu brak 2 słowa) going abroad
who are
'vary' (zle slowo) accentS
'well' (zle slowo) or 'unwell' (zle slowo)
good, bad


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