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For many years people wonder what is the definition of “personality”, but the truth is that to this day we don't have just one correct answer. There are at least a few different movement of psychological theories about personality. One of them is called Humanism and it has sources in work of Abraham Harold Maslow and Carl Rogers.
There are a lot of similarities between those two theories. Firstly both Rogers and Maslow classify self-actualization as the highest aim of the human needs system. They also agreed that self-actualization is driving force for humans, and that peoples always try to fulfill their capabilities. What is more they both claimed that people are basically good and able to self-actualize.
There are also a number of differences between Maslow and Rogers theory. First of all Rogers claimed that to achieve self-actualization human need to be in a relationship in which there is congruency, respect and empathy. In contrast to him Maslow maintained that self-actualizing people keep their self-esteem thanks to the fact that the theirs lower needs have been already satisfied. Another difference between those two theories is that Maslow believed that only 1% of population can achieve self-actualization, while Rogers claimed that all people are able to accomplish this level.
Overall, after comparing and contrasting those two theories of personality appears to show that despite both Rogers and Maslow represent humanistic approach in psychology, their theories are have both similarities and differences.
Cytat: gunia31
For many years people wonder NIE TEN CZAS what is the definition of “personality”, but the truth is that to this day we don't have just CZYLI MAMY WIELE POPRAWNYCH ODPOWIEDZI one correct answer. There are at least a few different movement MA BYC LICZBA MNOGA of psychological theories RUCHY TEORII? about personality. One of them is called Humanism and it has ITS sources in PRZEDIMEK work of Abraham Harold Maslow and Carl Rogers.
There are a lot of similarities between those two theories JAK TO DWOCH? HUMANIZM TO JEST JEDNA TEORIA. Firstly both Rogers and Maslow classify self-actualization as the highest aim of the human needs system. They also agreed DLACZEGO TU CVZAS PRZESZLY that self-actualization is PRZEDIMEK driving force for humans, and that peoples=LUDY always try to fulfill their capabilities. What is more they both claimed that people are basically good and able to self-actualize.
There are also a number of differences between Maslow and Rogers theory JAK MOZE BYC ROZNICA MIEDZY JEDNA TEORIA?. First of all Rogers claimed that to achieve self-actualization PRZEDIMEK human need TO NIE JEST 3 OS L.P OJ. to be in a relationship in which there is congruency, respect and empathy. In contrast to him Maslow maintained that self-actualizing people keep their self-esteem thanks to the fact that the DO USUNIECA theirs <-ZLA FORMA SLOWA lower needs have been already satisfied. Another difference between those two theories is that Maslow believed that only 1% of population can achieve self-actualization, while Rogers claimed that all people are able to accomplish this level.
Overall, after comparing and contrasting those two theories of personality BRAK PODMIOTU appears to show that despite both Rogers and Maslow represent ZLA FORMA CZASOWNIKA LUB ZLY SPOJNIK (NIE 'DESPITE'); PRZEDIMEK humanistic approach in psychology, their theories are have SA MAJA both similarities and differences.
For many years people 'wonder' (zly czas) what is the definition of “personality”, but the truth is that to this day we don't have just one correct answer. There are at least a few different movement of psychological theories about (tutaj potrzeba wiecej, np. the concept/the idea of) personality. One of 'them' (wg mnie, lepiej 'the thoeries') is called Humanism and it has sources in (przedimek) work of Abraham Harold Maslow and Carl Rogers. (Co do Carl Rogers to nie jestem 100% czy mozna jego tutaj zaliczyc)
There are a lot of similarities between 'those' (ale jak na razie to nie wymieniles na czym one polegaly - mamy tylko nazwiska) two theories. (Ja bym to napisala inaczej..There appear to be similarities between the theories of these two - a jak ich nazwac, czy 'theorists' czy 'psychologists' to sam musisz zadecydowac).
They also agreed that self-actualization is (przedimek) driving force for humans, and that 'peoples' (nie rozumiem 's' na koncu wyrazu) always try to fulfill their capabilities.
(Lepiej dac However, ) there are also a number of differences between (przedimek) Maslow and (przedimek) Rogers theory. First of all Rogers claimed that to achieve self-actualization 'human' (cos nie tak, albo 'a' human' albo 'a human being') 'need' (human-3os.l.poj) to be in a relationship in which there is congruency, respect and empathy. In contrast to 'him' (lepiej 'this') Maslow maintained that self-actualizing people keep their self-esteem thanks to the fact that 'the' (zle i niepotr) 'theirs' (zle slowo, tutaj THEIR) lower needs have been already satisfied.
Overall, after comparing and contrasting those two theories of personality (ale co? cos tu nie jest jasno) appears to show that despite (dodaj 'the fact that') both Rogers and Maslow represent (przedimek) humanistic approach in psychology, their theories 'are' (niepotr) have both similarities and differences.


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