wiadomość do znaojomego, list do organizacji.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie pod względem gramatycznym wiadomości do znajomego i listu. Tematem listu było "Chcesz w czasie wakacji wyjechać do Irlandii jako wolontariusz. Napisz list do organizacji ekologicznej, którą chciałbyś/chciałabyś wesprzeć." Czy dostałabym punkty za bogactwo językowe?

Dear Sir or Madam
I am writing because I would like to join to your organisation as a volonteer working with animals. I can clean and take after them. I can come to Irleand and start at 1st July.
I would like to be a volonteer because I love animals and I like working with them. Another reason is that i want to help and do something meaning not for myself but for others. This is why I think this ecological organisation would be siutable for me.
Punctual, responsible, hard-working this words describe me. Moreover, I am good at working in group and dealing with stress. This abilities and qualities makes me the right person for this job.
I want to ensure about accommodation and alimentation. Is it free for volonteers or we must find it on our own?
I look forward to hearing from you.
Your sincerely

Dear Mark,
I have just come back home, and I want to thank you for this great time we spent together. I had a smooth journey. The tran was comfortable and modern so it was a pleasure to travell by this mean of transport. Unfortunatelly I left a couple of things at your place, wchich are important to me. It was my leather jacket, black sunglasses and mobile phone. Could you send this stuff back to me? Do you have plans for this summer? Because I would like to invite you to my house in Poland.
Dear Sir or Madam (brakuje przecinka)
I am writing because I would like to join 'to' (niepotr) your organisation as a 'volonteer' (blad ortog - nie rob tego) working with animals. I can clean and 'take' (zle slowo-) after them. I can come to 'Irleand' (blad ortog) and start 'at' ON 1st July (a ktorego roku?).
I would like to be a 'volonteer' (ortog) because I love animals and I like working with them. Another reason is that 'i' (ZAWSZE duza litera) want to help and do something 'meaning' (zle slowo) not for myself but for others. This is why I think this ecological organisation would be 'siutable' (ortog) for me.
Punctual, responsible, hard-working this (brak czasown.) (przedimek) words (cos brak) describe me. Moreover, I am good at working in (przedimek) group and dealing with stress. 'This' (tutaj l. mnoga) abilities and qualities 'makes' (daj odpowiednie slowo) me the right person for this job.
I want to 'ensure' (nie rozumiem tego slowa) about accommodation and 'alimentation' (bardzo dziwne slowo). Is it free for 'volonteers' (juz 3ci raz zle to napisales) or 'we must' (to jest pytanie, zobacz jak sie robi pytania) find it on our own?
YourS 'sincerely' (jak Dear Sir/Madam, to Yours faithfully)

I have just come back home, and I want to thank you for 'this' (wystarczy przedimek) great time we spent together.
The 'tran' (popraw) was comfortable and modern (daj tutaj przecinek) so it was a pleasure to 'travell' (ortog) by this 'mean' (sowo jest 'means') of transport. Unfortunatelly (daj tutaj przecinek) I left a couple of things at your place, 'wchich' (ortog) are important to me. It was my leather jacket, black sunglasses and (cos brak) mobile phone. Could you send 'this stuff' (ok, ale lepiej 'these items') back to me?
'Because' (nie zaczynaj zdan z 'because', lepiej, If not,) I would like to invite you to my house in Poland.


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