In the picture I can see two people who are 'watching' (to nie jest najlepsze slowo- za bardzo po polsku) exhibition in 'the' (jak masz nazwr museum to tak, ale jak nie, to 'a') museum. In the foreground there is aN 'man who is elderly' (a dlaczego nie 'elderly man'?) and he is wearing a black business suit. On the left side of the image THERE is (a gdzie przedimek) girl who 'also is' (zla kolejnosc slow - nie mysl tak bardzo po polsku) 'watching' (zle slowo) this exhibition .She has a (ale jaki? maly? duzy? school?) bag so I think that she is a pupil. In my opinion they are very interested 'id' (popraw) and inspired by (przedimek) people on these 'portrait' (dlaczego masz tu l. poj a pozniej wymieniasz wiecej osob?) Marylin Monroe, Paul Newman and John Lennon. The portrait OF Marylin Monroe is (przedimek) classic version of 'presentation' (zle slowo) OF this image in (dalabym przedimek tutaj) sepia technique (przecinek przed slowem 'but') but the portrait OF Paul Newman is presented on 'the' (zly przedimek) black background and the portrait OF John Lennon is presented on 'the' (zly przedimek) yellow background. I think that those people are 'watching' (calkowicie zle slowo) 'is' (popraw) exhibition because they think that those people had 'a' (bez przedimka) talent ,passion and values.
In my opinion those people come to this exhibition because they love 'to' (co to slowo 'to' tutaj robi?) art and 'searching' (zle slowo) at these portraits 'of' (zle slowo, tutaj FOR- you seach for something, a nie *'search of something) inspiration. The student can also come to this exhibition because the teacher 'told him to' (to nie jest ladnie - to nie byl rozkaz - ale moze wiecej prosba - mozesz napisac 'advised him to').
'Recenlty' (ortog), I was with my brother at the Pepsi Arena stadium 'on'(zle slowo - kalka z polskiego) (przedimek) match OF Legia Warsaw. My brother is training at the club so we had 'tickets for free' (z dlaczego nie 'free tickets'?). We 'came' (moze 'arrived') two hours before the match. Someone from the club 'had' (wg mnie niepotr) showED us 'any' (zle slowo) place in the stadium. It turned out that (tu cos brakuje, bo tego nie moge polapac) came Michał Żewłakow (przedimek) Sports Director (duze litery) of Legia Warsaw.
It was great to meet so famous (przedimek) person personally (przecinek przed 'but') but I think that he looks a lot better on TV (tutaj mozesz dodac...than in real life).
I would like to 'follow in life' (tego nie za bardzo rozumiem) for example Marylin Monroe (duze litery - to jej imiona) because she was a very fabulous and famous artist .
The 'wole' (ortog) world knows who she is. To memorise her life many artists created 'a' (nie dajemy przedimka przed l. mnoga) statues , films and portraits in her honor.