Kilka zadań z czasów przeszłych

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Proszę o sprawdzenie, czy użyłam odpowiednich czasów w tych zadaniach.

1. Over the last decade, teen actress Dakota Fanning HAS MANAGED to make a mamę forum herself in Hollywood. She has been in over 21 films, mostly as a child, and has received several awards and nominations. Her rolek HAVE ALLOWED her to work next to greatest actors.
Most people REMEMBER Dakota from her excellent performance in 2011. Since then, she' S BEEN WORKING hard. As a teenage actress, her talent and beauty ARE STILL GROWING as we can see in the films.
Dakota HAS some other talents as well. She can also play the violin and LOVES to knit. AT PRESENT, she is learning to speak French. "I've NEVER wanted to be an actress and it's great fun to know that's what I HAVE ACHIEVED.

2. Dear Penny,
How are you? I'm finally in New York on the student exchange programme and I am having a wonderful time, I DON'T HAVE time to write because we ARE busy every day. I AM MEETING a lot of fascinating people so far! I HAVE EVEN MADE some friends, Jared and Antonia. New York is very different from Swansea. People ALWAYS RUSH around and the streets are crowded. I DON'T LIKE the noise much because it KEEPS me up AT night. We HAVEN'T DONE much sightseeing yet, but we HAVE BEEN GOING OUT every night since we arrived,
Tommorow, the school IS TAKING us to the Statue of Liberty. I'M LOOKING forward to it!
Talk soon,
Co znaczą mamę i rolek?
automatyczna korekta
Autokorekta w tablecie zamienia mi słowa, a ja nie umiem jej wyłączyć...
A name for herself
Her roles
Czy użyłam poprawnych czasów?
1. Over the last decade, teen actress Dakota Fanning HAS MANAGED to make a 'mamę forum' (name for) herself in Hollywood.
Her 'rolek' (wylacz ta automatyczna korekte, bo ona tylko Ci szkodzi) HAVE ALLOWED her to work 'next' (jest taka inna phraza 'side-by-side) to greatest actors.

2. I'm finally in New York on 'the' (ja tutaj dalabym 'a') student exchange programme and I am having a wonderful time, I DON'T HAVE (tutaj mozna dodac slowo 'much') time to write because we ARE busy every day. I 'AM MEETING' (nie, jak masz 'so far' to daje znac, ze to juz bylo , tutaj 'I have met') a lot of fascinating people so far'!' (co to z tym krzyczacym tonem, w ang. tak nie krzyczymy na ludzi)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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