Past tense contrast

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednią formą czasu past continuous, past simple lub past perfect. ( te pogrubione są wpisane przeze mnie)
1.It was very late, so my parents were very relieved when I had got home last night.
2.The teacher was getting irritated because the children weren't listening to her at all.
3.We weren't satisfied with our hotel room because it didn't have a bathroom.
4.John has answered all the questions in the exam, so he was feeling really pleased.
5.The children were afraid because a big dog was following them.
6.We were very confused when we discovered we had got lost.
7.I went home and did my homework straight away.
8.How did you feel when you won the match?

Some of the sentences are incorrect. Rewrite them correctly if necessary.
1.Did you felt upset after the argument? incorrect
correct: Did you feel upset after the argument?
2.I hadn't breakfast this morning. incorrect
correct: I didn't have breakfast this morning.
3.You was looking fed up at the party. incorrect
correct: You were looking fed up at the party.
4.Was the security camera working when the men took the money? incorrect
correct: Was the security camera working when the man took the money?
5.They weren't enjoy the music so they went home. incorrect
correct: They didn't enjoy the music so they went home.
6. Had you listened to the album before you bought it? correct
7. She was jealous because he'd saw his ex-girlfriend. incorrect
correct: He was jealous because he'd seen his ex-girlfriend.
8.We taked some great photos at the festival. incorrect
correct: We took some great photos at the festival.
1. przyjscie do domu to byla chwila, a wiec nie ten czas
4 ten czas jest w ogole niedozwolony

4 widzialas, ze byl tylko jeden?
5 moglas takze uzyc czasu continuous
7 dlaczego zmienilas pierwsze slowo? Poza tym 'sawn' byloby także gramatycznie poprawne, ale nielogiczne - nowa dziewczyna powinna byc dumna :-)