Rozprawka for and against

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie.
Today more and more countries and cities want to organise important, international sports events. It seems to have a lot of benefits, such as promotion. However, as everything it does have also certain drawbacks that people tend to forget about.
First of all, organising international sports events has a lot of advantages. There is no denying that country or city becomes more popular and a lot of tourists from all around the world come to visit it. What is more, government usually receives some money for preparing pitches, gyms from international sponsors. Conditions become better and also sport promotion grows. Last but not least, in country where competition takes place, people sports interest increase. Big event creates a huge opportunity to meet big stars like Ronaldo or Messi near home. It is the chance to see the sport from a new perspective.
Although organising main international competitions seem to have only benefits, it does have some disadvantages. For instance, if the country or city is badly prepared, many people might complain and regret coming. Furthermore this area may become notorious place. Another problem appears when government spends a lot of public money on the event. Public could be unpleased and start moaning. Apart from that, for many citizens competition may bring troubles. For example tourists from all around the world do not know Polish law and might badly behave on the streets and in other public places.
On balance, organising international sports events has many positive sides, but also it does have some drawbacks. The decision of whether prepare competition or not, should be a responsible decision.
edytowany przez gos511: 30 gru 2014
'It' (ja bym tutaj dala 'this') seems to have a lot of benefits, such as promotion (ale czego? musisz napisac). However, as everything (tutaj wg mnie brakuje slowa 'else') it does 'have also' (zla kolejnosc slow) certain drawbacks that people tend to forget about.
There is no denying that (przedimek) country or (przedimek) city becomes more popular and a lot of tourists from all around the world come to visit it. What is more, (przedimek) government usually receives 'some money' (moze ujmij to na wyzszym szczeblu, np. 'grants' 'donations') for preparing (ja bym tutaj dala jakie, football, basketball) pitches(,) (nie dawaj przecinka jak wymieniasz tylko jedno zjawisko ) gyms from international sponsors. 'Conditions' (nie za bardzo trafne slowo) become better and also sport promotion 'grows' (nie, poszukaj innego slowa, wiecej academicki, np 'increases'). Last but not least, in przedimek) country where (przedimek) competition takes place, 'people sports interest increase' (nie, tu masz zle, to chyba slowo w slowo z polskiego, ale musisz to inaczej...peoples' interest in sports increases'). (przedimek) big event creates a huge opportunity to meet 'big' (wszystko jest tylko 'big' staraj uzyc sie innych synonimow - np. famous, well-known...pokaz ze masz szeroki zakres vokabulary) stars like Ronaldo or Messi 'near home' (ujmij to inaczej). It is 'the'(zly przedimek) chance to see the sport from a new perspective.
For instance, if the country or (ja dalabym przedimek) city is badly prepared, many people might complain and regret coming (ale gdzie? do tego 'country' napisz wiecej precyzyjnie). Furthermore 'this' (nie wiem do czego to 'this' sie odnosi) area may become (przedimek) notorious place. Another problem appears when (przedimek) government spends 'a lot' (daj inne 'wyzsze' slowo, np. a vast amount) of public money on the event. (przedimek) public could be 'unpleased' (nie, tutaj masz zle, slowo jest 'displeased') and start moaning. Apart from that, for many citizens (przedimek) competition may bring troubles. For example tourists from all around the world 'do not know' (mozna tez' are not familiar with') Polish law and might 'badly behave' (zla kol slow) on the streets and in other public places.
The decision of whether (cos brak) 'prepare' (daj inne slowo) competition or not, should be a responsible decision.

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