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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam. Bardzo prosiłbym o sprawdzenie poprawności gramatycznej i spójności tekstu mojego esseju.
Treść zadania:
Write an essay of at least 200 words in which you present arguments for and against keeping animals in zoos.
Moja wypowiedz:
Nowadays, many of us have diferent opinions about keeping animals in zoos. For most people it is kard to imagine how wild species of animals could run around the streets, but some people think it is possible. I present some arguments for keeping animals i zoos and some arguments against keeping wild animals in zoos.
On the one hand , there are several arguments for keeping animals in zoos. First of all, wild animals could be dangerous. For instance, I can not believe that tiger or lion will be running around my house! Furthermore endangered species can be protected. For instance some speciec which used to be wild are now only found in zoos. Apart from this, there are opportiunities for research. For example we have laerned more about genetics from studying zoo animals.
On the other hand there also many arguments against. The animals suffer from stress and depresion. For example,some animals become stressed because of contactwith zoo visitors. Secondlu it is very difficult to recreate the animals natural enviroments. For instance , birds kept in zoos can never fly freely like wild birds
All in all there are some arguments for and against keeping animals in zoos.
In my opinion , we should keeping animals in zoos, if they are so dangerous for us
Nowadays, many of us have 'diferent' (blad ortog) opinions about keeping animals in zoos. For most people it is 'kard' (popraw) to imagine how wild species of animals could run around the streets, but some people think THAT it is possible. I present some arguments for keeping animals 'i' (popraw) zoos and some arguments against keeping wild animals in zoos.
For instance, I can not believe that (brak przedimka) tiger or (przedimek) lion 'will' (zly modal, tutaj 'could') be running around my house!
....Furthermore endangered species can be protected. ... (piernik do wiatraka - to nie sa twoje mysle, pozyczyles z innego zrodla)
Apart from this, there are 'opportiunities' (ortog) for research. For example we have 'laerned' (ortog) more about genetics from studying zoo animals.
On the other hand there also many arguments against (kogo? czego?). The animals suffer from stress and 'depresion' (ortog). A gdzie jest twoj EVIDENCE na to? Badania?).
'Secondlu' (ortog) it is very difficult to recreate the animals' natural enviroments.
In my opinion , we should 'keeping' (popraw) animals in zoos, if they are 'so' ( musisz na to dac dowody, albo daj inne slowo np. TOO) dangerous for us.

Powinnienes dac wiecej argumentow, powtarzania pytania to tylko slowa ktore marnuja 'slowa' i nic nie dodaja.


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