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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
W centrum miasta, w którym mieszkasz, wzmożony ruch uliczny powoduje hałas i zanieczyszczenie środowiska. Od pewnego czasu skarżą się na to mieszkańcy centrum i pracujący tam handlarze. Napisz list do burmistrza, w którym opiszesz problem i zaproponujesz rozwiązania, które poprawią sytuację.

Dear Mayor,
I am writing regarding traffic congestion, which cause noise and air pollution. Recently residents of Rzeszów and traders working here complain about it. I want to suggest a few solutions to the problem.
The best solution to this problem would be to ameliorate the public transport, so that residents would have no reason to take their cars their cars into the town centre. We need to make public transport was fast, inexpensive and efficient. Should be more connections tram lines, because in some places you can be reached only by car. Trams should travel more frequently, so that there was no need to wait.
In addition, there could be an advertising campaign to encourage the use of public transport. You could organize a "car free day" and encourage them to ride on this day only by bicycle. On this day tickets for public transport would be free. I think it would encourage people to dispense with car, although for one day.
So there are ways to solve the problem of traffic congestion in Rzeszów. I hope you will take my suggestions into consideration and improve the situation.
Your sincerely,

W pierwszych dwóch zdaniach zła forma czasowników.
We need to make public transport was fast, inexpensive and efficient. wywal jedno słowo;)
edytowany przez Aaric: 08 lis 2015


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