
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam, chciałbym poprosić o pomoc w sprawdzeniu zadania , w którym miałem opisać meme związanym z Grą o Tron. Chodzi mi bardziej o gramatykę i stylistykę. Proszę o ewentualne poprawki. Z góry dzięki. !

“Winter is coming”

Eddard Stark didn’t have easy life. He was the Lord and the head of the family. He had a big family a lot of responsibilities as a Lord of Winterfell, despite this he always remember about his family. Their life was in danger because at the very far North “White Walkers could kill everyone. They situation was very serious. The Seven Kingdom could have gone forever. The White Walkers weren’t only one’s “predator’s” who could expose all The Seven Kingdoms. In all seven kingdoms there was a battle for a Iron Throne. All families wanted to gain power and gold. They kill each other, conspired. Like I said before the situation was very very serious. I would like to get back to our memes and describe them. The words of Lord Stark became the warning at the network for the upcoming events that have the potential to dominate the discussions on forums and Facebook. Later this meme already served, among others, to warn before the start of the examination session, the onset of mosquito season.
edytowany przez kapec22: 17 sty 2016
wklej to, co sam napisałeś
Najlepiej zaznacz te zdania, ktore sam stworzyles, a nie przepisales z internetu. Przepisanych nie bedziemy sprawdzac, prawda?
Eddard Stark didn’t have easy life. He was the Lord and the head of the family. He had a big family a lot of responsibilities as a Lord of Winterfell, despite this he always remember about his family. Their life was in danger because at the very far North “White Walkers could kill everyone. They situation was very serious. The Seven Kingdom could have gone forever. The White Walkers weren’t only one’s “predator’s” who could expose all The Seven Kingdoms. In all seven kingdoms there was a battle for a Iron Throne. All families wanted to gain power and gold. They kill each other, conspired. Like I said before the situation was very very serious. I would like to get back to our memes and describe them. The words of Lord Stark became the warning at the network for the upcoming events that have the potential to dominate the discussions on forums and Facebook. Later this meme already served, among others, to warn before the start of the examination session, the onset of mosquito season.
Eddard Stark didn’t have PRZEDIMEK easy life. He was the Lord and the head of the family. He had a big family SPOJNIK? a lot of responsibilities as a Lord of Winterfell, KROPKA despite this he always remember PAMIĘTAĆ about his family. Their life was in danger because at the very far North “White Walkers could kill everyone. They ONI situation was very serious. The Seven Kingdom SIEDEM KROLESTWO could have gone CO CHCIALES POWIEDZIEC forever. The White Walkers weren’t only one’s CO CHCIALES POWIEDZIEC “predator’s” CZEMU TU JEST DOPELNIACZ who could expose all The Seven Kingdoms. In all seven kingdoms there was a battle for a ZLY PRZEDIMEK Iron Throne. All families wanted to gain power and gold. They kill ZABIJAC each other, conspired. Like I said before the situation was very very serious. I would like to get back to our memes and describe them. The words of Lord Stark became the warning at the network for the upcoming events that have CZAS PRZESZLY LUB MODAL the potential to dominate the discussions on forums and Facebook. Later this meme already served, among others, to warn before the start of the examinationS session, the onset of PRZEDIMEK mosquito season.


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