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Our parents had not using the computers and smartphones in their childhood and early years of youth. They have never communicated by the Internet and had not played games online. It may cause, the most of them do not understand why their children are crazy in it. It could be argued that we spend time on playing, chatting and listening music until we have not time for learning, sport and not enough sleeping. The old generation always want that we must be knowledgably, literate and healthy. Quite simply they have some expectations for their child: come home early, learn a foreign language, graduate the university. But many of us cannot meet necessary hopes from our parents as a result of addiction in the phone or computer. Instantly many young people close themselves off from the family and friends. It may be linked to not going out with friends. Their virtual life is more important than real life. For this reason, an older generation drives crazy when they could not communicated with their children.
Our parents had not 'using' (zly czas, simple) the computers and smartphones in their childhood and early years of youth.
'It may cause, the most of them' (tego nie rozumiem, to jest slowo w slowo z translatorka) do not understand why their children are crazy in 'it' (nie rozumiem do czego to 'it' sie odnosi). It could be argued that we spend time on playing, chatting and listening (brak slowa) music 'until' (zle slowo) we have 'not' (zle slowo) time for learning, sport and not enough 'sleeping' (zle slowo). The old generation always want 'that we' (a dlaczego nie uzylas 'us'?) 'must' (zle slowo, daj tutaj 'to') be 'knowledgably' (ortog), literate and healthy. Quite simply they have some expectations for their child: come home early, learn a foreign language, graduate 'the' (zle slowo) university. But many of us cannot meet (przedimek) necessary hopes from our parents as a result of addiction 'in' (zle slowo) the phone or computer. 'Instantly' (to jest zle slwoo) many young people close themselves off from the family and friends.
For this reason, 'an' (zly przedimek) older generation 'drives crazy' (nic wczesniej nie mowilas o samochodach? co to jest, tutaj ma byc 'are driven crazy) when they 'could' (zle slowo) not 'communicated' (zle slowo) with their children.

Prosze nie tlumacz slowo w slowo i nie uzywaj translatorow..


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