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Chinese civilization is one of the world’s oldest and largest civilizations formed around 6000 BC. First villages were established in the northern part of China along big rivers like Yangtze and Yellow River. Eventually Chinese formed cities, then kingdoms and started to conquer one another, accordingly this civilization was engaged in military activity from its origins. Kingdoms in ancient China were devoted to frequent wars of expansion and defense of their territories. They developed warfare to an advanced level to meet their demands. The purpose of this study is to investigate ancient Chinese military and illustrate how it changed in early Chinese dynasties.

First military activity was recorded in Xia Dynasty (c. 2100 – c. 1600 BC). The history of first Chinese dynasties is enfolded in mythology and largely unknown. In fact, existence of this dynasty is still questioned by some scholars. People in Xia dynasty where the first in Far East to use copper weapons and chariots. Chariots allowed them to dominate wars with endless stream of cooperating tribes which invaded China since the dawn of civilization. Bronze weapons such as spears and swords were the main equipment of both the infantry and charioteers.

In Shang dynasty (c. 1600–1046 BC) chariots evolved rapidly. New chariots were able to seat three people - warrior which had used a long handled axe with a dagger blade mounted on it, archer which had become equipped with compound bow. Chariots are considered to be shock units as well as mobile command centers of Shang dynasty armies. Nevertheless, the majority of the army was made up of peasants engaged by noblemen who were ruling dynasty. Massive armies of 15 000 soldiers could have been called when faced serious danger like invasion. Shang infantry were armed with spears, pole-axes, long handled dagger-axes and simple bows. Shields and occasionally bronze or leather helmets were used for defense.

The Zhou dynasty (1046–256 BC) is China’s longest lasting dynasty. The Zhou armies extended their authority over China and hit a peak under King Zhao, conquering the central territories of the Middle Kingdom. However, then the power of the Zhou court weakened by degrees due to domestic rivalry. The kingdom split into smaller states as ruling nobles decided to form their own dynasties. Warfare became ritualistic even as it grew more unremorseful and cruel. It was seen as an aristocratic issue and one kingdom would not attack another when mourning its king.

In Warring States Period (476–221 BC) war became more intense, ruthless and much more decisive. In this period many aspects of Chinese military would be ameliorated. Infantry, archers and cavalry all worked collectively. Bronze was replaced by iron in much of the weapons and armors of the era. The size of armies largely increased and frequently achieved up to a couple of hundred thousand. Leather armor covered with bronze or iron plates may have been a typical heavy infantry man’s equipment. The idea of crossbow was borrowed from encountered tribes. The Warring States also was a time of evolution in military strategy. The Art of War is said to be written by Sun-Tzu during this period. The book is considered to be the most influential military strategy guide in history. However, more military classics were written in this period.

Military was extremely important since dawn of Middle Kingdom’s civilization. Perpetual warfare between tribes and then kingdoms in ancient China was an incentive to develop war strategies and equipment. After Warring States period Chinese made dynamic progress in professional army and developed new unusual military strategies as spy craft or using assassins and conducting silent war.
braki przedimkow, ktore nie zaburzaja rozumienia tekstu, ale
the military - to jest przymiotnik uzywany jako rzeczownik, daj tam the (kilka razy)
where the first in the Far East - were...
dlaczego had used, had become - nie widze uzasadnienia dla Past Perf, proponuje: who now used/wielded, who came equipped
could be summoned in the face of a serious danger
weakened gradually
nie achieved, ale amounted to several hundred thousand
tez nie widze sensu tego Past Perfect...
art of war is said to be - By who ?
along big rivers like Yangtze and Yellow River - along The Yangtze River and The Yellow River. Po co like?
wars of expansion ? was expanding its territory (territory war).
is still questioned by some scholars - is still doubted by...?? sugestia
serious danger like invasion serious danger(S) like invasion albo serious danger OF invasion
Shang infantry were armed WAS armed
which invaded China since were invading /China has been invaded since
were the main equipment ???? Primary weapon
chariots evolved rapidly ? advanced
the majority of the army was made up of peasants - Consisted of ...
extended their authority .... Imposed their authority kontekst raczej na impose...extend znaczy co innego - tylko sugestia

Brak tez artykol... A/An/The.
Moze uda mi sie to jutro napisac w calosci - W mojej wersji :D
edytowany przez big.f00t: 24 sty 2017
art of war is said to be - By who ?
"...is said /thought to be ..- nieważnie przez kogo w tym kontekscie , taką formę stosuję się często gdy nie wiemy do końca, kto coś powiedział / pomyślał ......( lub wiemy ,ale chcemy to "ukryć" bo nie jest to aż tak istotne w danej chwili )
..by WHOM - prosze ludzie nauczcie sie uzywac tego slowa.
OK Przepisalem ten tekst w calosci bo inaczej sie nie dalo. Zdania sie zmeinily ale sens pozostal ten sam. Sprawdzilem spelling. Jezeli znajdziecie jakies bledy to poprawcie.

Chinese civilization is one of the oldest and the largest in the world . It emerged around 6000 BC. First villages were built in the northern part of China along The Yangtze river and The Yellow River. Eventually those villages turned into cities and later kingdoms. Those kingdoms were committed to the conquest of each other. Chinese civilization was engaged in military activities from its origins. Kingdoms were constantly engaged in battles in order to expand and defend their territory. Chinese warfare was very advanced. It was very important for Chinese. The aim of my work is to study ancient Chinese warfare and illustrate how it was developed in early Chinese dynasties.

First military activity has taken place in Xia Dynasty (c. 2100 – c. 1600 BC). The history of the first Chinese dynasties is enfolded in myths and largely unknown. In fact, existence of those dynasties is doubted by some scholars. Warriors in Xia dynasty where the first in the Far East to use copper weapons and chariots. Chariots were the major factor contributing to Chinese military advantage. With the help of swarms of allied tribes which have been engaged in battles[invade nie mialo sensu] since the dawn of the civilization. Bronze spears and swords were used as a primary weapons of infantry and charioteers.

During the Shang dynasty (c. 1600–1046 BC) the technology of chariots advanced rapidly. New chariots were able to seat three people - equipped with long axe, dagger and compound bow. Chariots were shock units and also played role of mobile command centres. The army largely consisted of peasants recruited by noblemen who were rulers of the dynasty. Huge armies of 15 000 soldiers were ready to fight in times of invasion. Shang infantry was armed with spears, pole-axes, long handled dagger-axes and simple bows. Shields and sometimes bronze or leather helmets were used as an armour.

The Zhou dynasty (1046–256 BC) was the China’s longest ruling dynasty. The Zhou armies conquered China and the under the King Zhao was at its peak that time. They conquered central territories of the Middle Kingdom. However, the power of the court of Zhou started to decline due to domestic rivalry. The kingdom split into smaller states as ruling nobles decided to have their own dynasties. The warfare practices became ritualistic even more cruel than ever. One kingdom would not attack another when mourning its king. It was considered an aristocratic matter.

In Warring States Period (476–221 BC) the battles became more intense, ruthless and much more decisive. In this period many aspects of Chinese military were improved. Infantry, archers and cavalry fought collectively. Iron replaced bronze in making most of the weapons and armours. The size of armies largely increased and many times even up to a couple of hundred thousand. Leather armours covered with bronze or iron plates were typically used by heavy infantry warriors. The idea of using crossbows was adapted from the previously encountered tribes. The Warring States Period was the time of warfare advancements. The Art of War is said to be written by Sun-Tzu during that period. The book is considered to be the most influential guide to warfare in the history. However, more texts about war were written in that period.

The aspect of military was extremely important in the dawn of Middle Kingdom’s civilization. Perpetual battles between tribes and later kingdoms in ancient China demanded the development of warfare and technology. After the Warring States Period, Chinese advanced their professional army and introduced new innovative strategies like spy craft, using assassins and fighting a silent war.
edytowany przez big.f00t: 24 sty 2017
With the help of swarms of allied tribes which have been engaging in battles since the dawn of the civilization.
With the help of swarms of allied tribes which have been engaging in battles since the dawn of the civilization.
Nie wiedzialem i nadal nie wiem o co biega w tym zdaniu.
With help of swarming allied tribes who have been engaged in battles since the down of the civilisation

Sorry ale prosilbym i chyba wszyscy na tym forum zeby poprawiac bledy. Moze jakas sugestia ? Bo wskazanie bledu bez poprawienia nie ma sensu - szukamy bledow zeby je poprawiac ?
Poprzez pisanie poprawnych form ludzie ucza sie od nas jak poprawne formy wygladaja. Jezeli im nie napiszemy to sami tez nie napisza. Kazdy kto przychodzi na forum wie ze zle napisal ale nie wie jak powinno byc poprawnie. W takim wypadku mozna by napisac : Wszyscy ktorzy macie jakies pytania nie znacie j. angielskiego - musicie sami sie nauczyc zeby poprawic bledy bo my wam nie poprawimy - i generalnie zamknac forum
edytowany przez big.f00t: 24 sty 2017
With the help of swarms of allied tribes which have been engaging in battles since the dawn of the civilization.
Nie wiedzialem i nadal nie wiem o co biega w tym zdaniu.
To jest CAŁE zdanie?
Chariots allowed them to dominate wars with endless stream of cooperating tribes which invaded China since the dawn of civilization.
On to tak napisal.

stream (stream to co innego przeciez pewnie chodzilo mu o swarm)
cooperating tribes - allied tribes.

No ja napisalem jak najlepiej uwazalem. Przekrztalc zdanie na poprawne jezeli wiesz ze jest zle to chyba musisz wiedziec dlaczego. To popraw to co jest zle.
Chariots allowed them to dominate battles(to ujalem w odzielnym zdaniu ale moze pojsc cale tak jak jest teraz) together with endless swarms of allied tribes which have invaded China since the dawn of civilization.

O teraz OK
edytowany przez big.f00t: 24 sty 2017
Cytat: big.f00t
With the help of swarms of allied tribes which have been engaged in battles[invade nie mialo sensu] since the dawn of the civilization.

to nie zdanie, tylko fragment zdania. Ale znamy twój poziom angielskiego i faktycznie miałeś prawo popełnić taki błąd.
Cytat: big.f00t
Sorry ale prosilbym i chyba wszyscy na tym forum zeby poprawiac bledy. Moze jakas sugestia ? Bo wskazanie bledu bez poprawienia nie ma sensu - szukamy bledow zeby je poprawiac ?
Poprzez pisanie poprawnych form ludzie ucza sie od nas jak poprawne formy wygladaja. Jezeli im nie napiszemy to sami tez nie napisza.

wielu osobom wystarczy wskazac, co jest źle, żeby sobie przypomniały regułke.

Kazdy kto przychodzi na forum wie ze zle napisal ale nie wie jak powinno byc poprawnie.

często wie, tzn. nauczyciel o tym mowil, ale on zapomnial i trzeba mu podpowiedziec

W takim wypadku mozna by napisac : Wszyscy ktorzy macie jakies pytania nie znacie j. angielskiego - musicie sami sie nauczyc zeby poprawic bledy bo my wam nie poprawimy - i generalnie zamknac forum

zgoda, musza sami to przepracowac. Poprawianie prac domowych mija sie z celem. Od doswiadczenia pomagajacego zalezy, czy bedzie wiedzial, kiedy wystarczy podpowiedz lub wskazanie bledu.
Masz w internecie mnostwo witryn, gdzie chodzi wylacznie o odrabianie prac domowych za innych. Pojdz tam sobie, to ideal dla ciebie.
Poprawianie prac domowych mija sie z celem.
. Powiedz to nauczycielem ktorzy od tysiecy lat poprawiaja prace domowe , ze to nie mialo sensu.

Poprawianie prac uczniow absolutnie ma konkretny bardzo sens. na j. polskim w szkole. Pani POPRAWIA i Pisze dlaczego czerwonym dlugopisem zeby ci pokazac jak POWINNO byc. Taki jest sens pracy nauczyciela zeby napisac ci jakie sa poprawne formy ! Nauczyciel jest po to zeby dac ci WIEDZE nie po to zeby stawiac oceny ...

2) Jezeli ktos przychodzi na forum i prosi o napisanie mu w calosci pracy domowej/eseju - To to nie ma zadnego sensu.

3) Jezeli ktos pisze tekst po ang. i robi w nim bledy to nie dlatego ze ON nie wie ze jest zle on wie ze jest ZLE! po to przyszedl na forum -- to to jest dlatego ze nie ma WIEDZY JAK NAPISAC POPRAWNIE. - Taki jest CEL ludzi ktorzy tu przychodza. - DANIE IM WIEDZY ...

Wiedza to jest POWIEDZENIE jaka forma jest poprawna.

To nie jest zadne UCZENIE ludzi ? "To zdanie ma zly przecinek idz poczytaj gramatyke "

Ci ludzie przychodza po to zeby IM POWIEDZIEC JAK MA BYC BO CHCA SIE NAUCZYC!
Wszystkie fora internetowe tak dzialaja! :

Jak napisac poprawnie to zdanie i ludzie dostaja odpowiedz! - pytanie + odpowiedz!!!!
wiedzy sie nie daje
powiedzenie jest bardzo malo skuteczna metoda nauki czegokolwiek
jak sam dojdzie do tego, jaki zrobil blad, i sam poprawi, dopiero moze sie czegos nauczyc.
..by WHOM - prosze ludzie nauczcie sie uzywac tego slowa.

tak...by whom/ to whom/from whom..właśnie miałem to dodać ,ale już się nie dało edytować wpisu..;)
dobrze, ze czegos Cie nauczylam.....:-)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.