Prośba o sprawdzenie kilku zdań z listu motywacyjnego.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
To kilka zdań z listu motywacyjnego, nie jest dokończony więc proszę nie zwracać uwagę na poprawność formy, zależy mi na poprawieniu gramatyki :)
I am writing in response to your job offer concerning the post of secretary which I found on a web page. I think the position fits my expectations of a dream job. I like wake up early and I'am never late. I am reliable, caring and sensible. I know very well from my experience that this job require these features.
Your costumers need fast answers and also the best care of them. As I mentioned before I am punctual and reliable, moreover I have some experience in this job. Last year I was working as accountant in my fother's company. I'am ready to attend an interwiev at your earliest convenience.
I am writing in response to your job offer concerning the post of (cos brak) secretary which I found 'on a web page' (tutaj trxzeba dokladniej czy to bylo na Facebooku, na jakims innym czy gdzie) . I think the position fits my expectations of a dream job. I like (brak slowa) wake up early and 'I'am' (tego nie rozumiem) never late. I am reliable, caring and sensible. I know very well from my experience that this job 'require' (cos nie tak) these features.
Your costumers need 'fast' (zle slowo) answers and also the best care 'of them.' (nie rozumiem co to tu robi) As I mentioned before I am punctual and reliable, moreover I have some experience in this job. Last year I was working as (cos brak) accountant in my 'fother's' (popraw) company. 'I'am' (popraw) ready to attend an 'interwiev' (ortog) at your earliest convenience.
I found on Facebook. - czy można tak zapisać?
I like to wake up early.
requires these features
quick answers ?
the best care. - bez of them? czy tak? chciałam napisać "opieki nad nimi"
quick answers ? np prompt answers


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia