Kolejne rzeczy do sprrawdzenia ?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1-30 z 35
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Są to zdania rozpoczynające moją prezentacje
Ladies and Gentlemen. It is my great pleasure to talk to you today. My name is xyz. I would like to talk about respiratory system. First, I’m going to talk about what it is respiratory system, his structure and pulmonary ventilation. Next, I’ll be talking about,gas exchange between lungs, bloodstream tissues, measurements of lung function and respiratory system functions. In the end I will conclude the presentation with conclusions, question to you and list of the most important words.

I zdana którymi zaczne kolejne slajdy:
1. I'd like to begin with what it is respiratory system, so the respiratory system is the system in the human body...
2. Now, let me move to respiratory system structure.
3. Now, I would like to say a few words about pulmonary ventilation.
4. In this part of my presentation, I’d like to talk about external and internal respiration.
5. Now, I would like to say a few words about measurements of lung function and respiratory system functions.
6. To sum up the respiratory system is necessary for the proper functioning of the body.
7. Now,I would like to ask you a few questions.
8. Now, you can see list of the most important words ( Vocabulary)
9. Thank you for your attention
I would like to talk about (brak przedimka) respiratory system. First, I’m going to 'talk about' (nie trzeba to powtarzac caly czas, mozna po prostu 'explain') what 'it' (niepotr) 'is' (w zlym miejscu) (brak przedimka) respiratory system IS, 'his' (a niby dlaczego to jest 'his? Czy kobiety tego nie maja, tutaj ITS) ' structure and pulmonary ventilation. Next, 'I’ll be talking' (tutaj lepiej 'go on') about (brak przedimka) gas exchange between lungs, bloodstream tissues, measurements of lung function and respiratory system functions. In the end I 'will conclude the presentation with conclusions' (maslo maslane, po co robic 'conclusion' z 'conclusions??) (wystarczy I will conclude) 'question to you' (teog nie rozumiem) and list 'of' (niepotr) the most important words.

I'd like to begin with what 'it' (nie rozumiem co to slowo tutaj robi) THE respiratory system IS, 'so' (po co to slowo tutaj jest?) the respiratory system is the system in the human body...

5. 'Now, I would like to say' (powtarzasz to samo, trzeba jakos inaczej, wystaczy 'now') a few words about (przedimek) measurements of lung function and respiratory system functions.

7. 'Now' (po co caly czas mowisz 'now'...),I would like to ask you a few questions.
8. Now, you can see (brak porzedimka) list of the most important 'words' (to jest za niskie slowo na presentation, tutaj trzeba 'vocabulary associated with the....)
Ladies and Gentlemen. It is my great pleasure to talk to you today. My name is xyz. I would like to talk about a respiratory system. First, I’m going to explain what the respiratory system is, its structure and pulmonary ventilation. Next, I'll go on about a gas exchange between lungs, bloodstream tissues, measurements of lung function and respiratory system functions. In the end I will conclude the presentation, I would like to ask you a few questions and list the most important vocabulary associated with the respiratory system.

1.I'd like to begin with what the respiratory system is. The respiratory system is the system in the human body...
5. Now, a few words about the measurements of lung function and respiratory system functions.
7. I would like to ask you a few questions.
8. Now, you can see the list of the most important vocabulary associated with the respiratory system.
I would like to talk about a (nie, to jest zle, bo ile tych respiratory systemjest, jeden, to musi byc THE) respiratory system.
Next, I'll 'go' (niepotr, zmienimy to) 'on' (teraz widze, ze to 'on' jest za bardzo kolokw, mea culpa, to moze 'I'll examine a (nie, 'a' a THE) gas exchange between lungs....

1.I'd like to begin with what the respiratory system is. The respiratory system is the system in the human body...
5. Now, a few words about the measurements of lung function and respiratory system functions.
7. I would like to ask you a few questions.
8. Now, you can see the list of the most important vocabulary associated with the respiratory system.[/quote]
Ladies and Gentlemen. It is my great pleasure to talk to you today. My name is xyz. I would like to talk about the respiratory system. First, I’m going to explain what the respiratory system is, its structure and pulmonary ventilation. Next, I'll examine about the gas exchange between lungs, bloodstream tissues, measurements of lung function and respiratory system functions. In the end I will conclude the presentation, I would like to ask you a few questions and list the most important vocabulary associated with the respiratory system.

1.I'd like to begin with what the respiratory system is. The respiratory system is the system in the human body...
5. Now, a few words about the measurements of lung function and respiratory system functions.
7. I would like to ask you a few questions.
8. Now, you can see the list of the most important vocabulary associated with the respiratory system
jak kocham : let me start off by saying ,that ......:) I would like to set off with the ...tu jest multum sposobów
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 18 lut 2018
Cytat: Robbertoxx
jak kocham : let me start off by saying ,that ......:)

miłość nie wybaczy błędów w interpunkcji
miłość nie wybaczy błędów w interpunkcji
..od dawien dawna przestałem wierzyć w miłość,miłość jest w pewnym sensie chorobą ..tylko dochodzenie do siebie zajmuje zazwyczaj więcej czasu niż po grypie .
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 18 lut 2018
Next, I'll examine 'about' (niepotr slowo) the gas exchange between lungs, bloodstream tissues, measurements of lung function and respiratory system functions. In the end I will conclude the presentation, I would like to ask you a few questions and THEN list the most important vocabulary associated with the respiratory system.

teraz jest 100 procent lepiej.

1.I'd like to begin with what the respiratory system is. The respiratory system is the system in the human body...
5. Now, a few words about the measurements of lung function and respiratory system functions.
7. I would like to ask you a few questions.
8. Now, you can see the list of the most important vocabulary associated with the respiratory system[/quote]
>>>>miłość nie wybaczy błędów w interpunkcji
Sam wiesz, ze interpunkcja jest nawazniejsza, zawsze.
Woman without her man is a savage.
Pomysl o tym zdaniu i gdzie byc dal interpunkcje.
Woman without her man is a savage.
Woman , ....
A moze: Woman without her man - is a savage.
Jeszcze prosze o sprawdze nie tego :
Slajd 3: Now, let me move to respiratory system structure.
The respiratory system consists of all the organs involved in breathing. These include the
• Nasal cavity- warms, moistens and filters air entering the respiratory system
• Pharynx– path that connects nasal cavity to the trachea
• Larynx-to produce sound for communication
• Trachea-allows air to pass from the pharynx into the lungs
• Bronchi-to carry the air into the lungs
• Lungs-the main organs of the respiratory system
• Bronchioles– to decrease in size and carry air to the alveoli
• Alveoli-are the sites of gas exchange
3: Now, let me move to THE respiratory system structure.
The respiratory system consists of all the organs involved in breathing. These include the
• Nasal cavity- (tu wydaje mi sie brakuje 'which') warms, moistens and filters THE air entering the respiratory system
• Pharynx– path that connects nasal cavity to the trachea
• Larynx-'to produce' (nie, daj tutaj 'produces') sound for communication
• Bronchi-'to carry' (carrying) the air into the lungs

Byloby dobrze, gdybys miala rysunek ciala z tymi nazwami.
na jakie zajęcia masz tę prezentację?
Dziękuje :D mam rysunk ciała z tymi nazwami :D
Preznenatacja na angielski :D
Jeszcze to jakbyście mogli :D
Inhalation and exhalation involves muscles:
*Rib muscles = the muscles between the ribs in the chest.
*Diaphragm muscle

Muscle movement – the diaphragm and rib muscles are constantly contracting and relaxing (approximately 16 times per minute), thus causing the chest cavity to increase and decrease.

During inhalation – the muscles contract:
*Contraction of the diaphragm muscle – causes the diaphragm to flatten, thus enlarging the chest cavity.
*Contraction of the rib muscles – causes the ribs to rise, thus increasing the chest volume.
*The chest cavity expands, thus reducing air pressure and causing air to be passively drawn into the lungs.
*Air passes from the high pressure outside the lungs to the low pressure inside the lungs.
During exhalation – the muscles relax:
*The muscles are no longer contracting, they are relaxed.
*The diaphragm curves and rises, the ribs descend – and chest volume decreases.
*The chest cavity contracts thus increasing air pressure and causing the air in the lungs to be expelled through the upper respiratory tract. Exhalation, too, is passive. Air passes from the high pressure in the lungs to the low pressure in the upper respiratory tract.

Inhalation and exhalation are involuntary and therefore their control requires an effort.

1.External respiration it is gas exchange between the lungs bloodstream. This involves the passage of oxygen from the air in the alveoli through the alveolar and capillary walls to the blood in the capillaries, as well as the passage of carbon dioxide from the bloodstream to the alveoli.

2.Internal Respiration it is-gas exchange between the bloodstream and the body tissues. This involves the transport of oxygenated blood from the heart to all parts of the body, where the oxygen is delivered to tissues and cells for energy and metabolism, while carbon dioxide, as a waste product, is absorbed by the blood.
Now, let me move to THE respiratory system structure.
Ja tez lubię; let's just move on to yet another aspect / issue ...
jeśli mówiona prezentacja , to na pewnym spontanie można mówić : np ; hence , let me jump forward to..., zreszta ja się nie bede wymądrzać , nie to jest moim zamiarem , ..nigdy nie bylo wiele osob jest lepszych pod wzg wiedzy językowej
Sprawdzi jeszcze to ktoś?
Where is the air warmed, moistened, and filtered?
a)Nasal cavity
2.What does pulmonary ventilation include? 
a)Inhalation and exhalation air
b)Inhalation air
c)Exhalation air
3.Name one function of the respiratory system. 
odp.Maintains a constant pH
w odpowiedziach do 2 brakuje of
Dziekuje :D
a to zdanie jest dobrze ?
Now, I’d like to burn to external and internal respiration.
Cytat: kolorowa12345
a to zdanie jest dobrze ?
Now, I’d like to burn to external and internal respiration.

co chcesz powiedziec?
Now I'd like to move on to ...
Dzięki :D
Mam jeden slajd na prezentacji,z którym mam kłopot a mianowicie ( nauczycielka czepia sie że nie można ze slajdów czytać ma być na slajdzie mniej, a później trzeba to co tam jest napisane albo rozwinąc albo powiedzieć innymi słowami wiec tak to wygląda:

To chicałam powiedziedzieć ( zreszta juz pomagaliściem i to napisać):

The respiratory system functions are as follows:
 Makes possible gas exchange (oxygen, carbon dioxide)
 Warms, moistens and filters air entering the respiratory system
 Maintains a constant pH
 Protects against foreign objects
 Maintains an adequate gradient between the partial pressure of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the alveoli air, and the pressure of these gases in the blood flowing into the alveoli

A na slajdzie napisać( prosze o sprawdzenie tego): bo nie wiem wsumie czy to sie kupy trzyma
gas exchange
Warms, moistens and filters air entering the respiratory system
constant pH
Maintains an adequate gradient
Jeżeli jest taki punkt,
The respiratory system functions are as follows:
to podpunkty bym zaczął
Warming, moistening and filtering...
it makes gas exchange possible
Ale to na te -ing zmienic cos w tym móionym czy tym co na slajdzie bedzie pisało>?

The respiratory system functions are as follows:
 Making possible gas exchange (oxygen, carbon dioxide)
 Warming, moistening and filtering air entering the respiratory system
 Maintaining a constant pH
 Protecting against foreign objects
 Maintaining an adequate gradient between the partial pressure of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the alveoli air, and the pressure of these gases in the blood flowing into the alveoli

A co z tym co na slajdach ma byc napisane? :(

gas exchange < --It makes gas exchange possible?
Warms, moistens and filters air entering the respiratory system
constant pH
Maintains an adequate gradient
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1-30 z 35
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