proszę sprawdzcie - short

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Oto dalsza część mojej histori. Przepraszam że nie wrzucam całości ale jeszcze nie jest ukończona. Poza tym chyba łatwiej wam sprawdzać mniejsze teksty ?
Będę bardzo wdzięczny za pomoc.

The girl was happy and she took care of Atos every day. The dog was growing and one day Karolina got to know that she will have a brother. After nine months Karol was born. When he has six months in the house fire broke out. The fire spride very quickly.
Smoke was dense and stifling. The fireman (czy firemanS ?) saved Karolina and her parents but im the middle of building Karol and Atos stayed.
wrzucaj wszystko w jeden post.

> The fireman (czy firemanS ?)

pakk, dzięki... heh ale gafa z tymi strażakami! :) tak to jest po wakacyjnej przerwie.. Ok następnym razem wklejam all a teraz proszę jeszcze i sprawdzenie tego tutaj bo potem się podubluje.
The dog was
>growing and one day Karolina got to know that she will have a brother.

Z tego zdania wynika, ze ten pies jest w ciazy i urodzi ci tego braciszka.
When he has six months in the house
>fire broke out. The fire spride very quickly.

nie mowi sie "he has six months" - to jest kalka z jezyka polskiego

spride - nie ma takiego slowa
Czy teraz lepiej?
The girl was happy and she took care of Atos every day. The dog was growing. One day Karolina got to know that she will have a brother. After nine months Karol was born. When he was six months in the house fire broke out. The fire diffused very quickly.
Smoke was dense and stifling. The firemen saved Karolina and her parents but im the middle of building Karol and Atos stayed.
One day Karolina got to know that she 'will' (lepiej uzyj slowa 'would') have a brother.
After nine (mozna dodac 'long') months Karol was born. When he was six months OLD 'in the house fire broke out' (zla kol slow - a fire broke out in the house). The fire 'diffused' (czy masz na mysli 'spread') very quickly.
THE smoke was dense and stifling. The firemen saved Karolina and her
parents, but iN the middle of THe (tu mozna dodac 'smoke-filled') building Karol and Atos 'stayed' (lepiej 'still remained').
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie