sprawdzenie błędów i gramatyki

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
czy ktoś mógł by to sprawdzić albo przerobić wiem że dużo błędów ??

I write to you the letter because I wanted You to describe the worst trip of my life.
Which I remember it was several years ago when I flew the airplane the beginning of the flight he was very calm nothing it did not announce the problem the situation however changed in several seconds quickly I felt people suddenly strong shock the panic surrounded !! I heard after the moment that we have small the breakdowns of the airplane. We got permission on emergency landing on success all it ended well !!
I write {czas: AM WRITING} {bez:to you} the {lepiej: THIS} letter because I wanted {bez:You} to describe {TO YOU} the worst trip of my life.

{bez:Which} I remember it was several years ago when I flew {BY} {bez:the} airplane{tu mozesz dodac skad i dokad leciales: FROM X TO Y}{.}

t{T}he beginning of the flight {bez:he} was very calm {-} nothing {lepiej: NOBODY} {bez:it did not} announceD {THAT THERE WAS} {bez:the, lepiej: A} problem{.}

t{T}he situation{,} however{,} changed in several seconds{.}

quickly I felt people suddenly strong shock the panic surrounded !! - Zastanow sie nad tym zdaniem i sprobuj jeszcze raz.

I heard after {bez: the, lepiej: A} moment that we have {WE HAD - nastepstwo czasow} {A} small {bez:the} breakdowns {BREAKDOWN} of {lepiej: ON}the airplane.

We got permission {bez:on, lepiej: FOR}{AN} emergency landing {bez:on success}{AND} all {bez:it} ended well !!


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