school uniforms

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Czy mógłby ktoś mi na to zerknąć? Potrzebuje pomocy, ponieważ nie jestem pewna, że mam to dobrze. Prosze ...

Mam opowiedzieć na lekcji o plusach i minusach noszenia mundurków. Najpierw musialm sobie to napisac, bo inaczej nie dałabym rady:9
I think that wearing school uniforms have many advantage and disadvantage.
Started to disadvantage. Firstyly, every girl and every boy are wearing the some clothes. This is very boring. When we are going for school passage, we can see only dark colours and nobody don't diffrent.(?)
Secondly, the school uniforms are uncomfortable and we are feeling bad. Next our mums must washing uniforms everyday, becouse it's not healthy. We are limit of free styles, too.
Now, some advantages.All students wear the same uniforms so, we are egual. The uniforms are cheap and we are elegant, too. We aren't wearing mini skirts or dress. Also, when we get up in the morning we don't thing about to wear.
I know that people from the older generation think that the schooluniform is good idea, but that opinion is not shared by my peers.

to tyle...:(
błagam :(:(
I think that wearing school uniforms have {HAS} many advantageS and disadvantageS.
Started to {STARTING WITH THE} disadvantageS{,} Firstyly{first of all}, every girl and every boy are wearing {PRESENT SIMPLE?}the some clothes. This is very boring. When we are going{PRESENT SIMPLE?} (for school passage{THROUGH THE SCHOOL CORRIDORS}, we can see only dark colours and nobody {bez:don't, lepiej: IS/LOOKS} diffrent.{pis. DIFFERENT}(?)
Secondly, the school uniforms are uncomfortable and we are feeling{PRESENT SIMPLE?} bad. Next{,} our mums must washing {WASH!} uniforms everyday, becouse{pis. BECAUSE} it's not healthy. We are limit of free styles{co masz na mysli? WE HAVE A LIMITED FREEDOM OF STYLE?}, too.
Now, some advantages. {to nie jest pelne zdanie}
All students wear the same uniforms{,} so{bez przecinka} we are egual{pis. EQUAL}. The uniforms are cheap and we are {lepiej: WE LOOK} elegant, too. We aren't wearing{PRESENT SIMPLE?} mini skirts or dressES. Also, when we get up in the morning{,} we don't {HAVE TO} thing{THINK} about to wear.
I know that people from the older generation think that the school uniform is {A} good idea, but that opinion is not shared by my peers. {sama pisalas to zdanie?? ;-)
dziękuje Ci bardzo:):):)
a to zdanie nie pisałam sama;d widać, prawda?
Ano... ;-)
Swoja droga ladne zdanie, ale jesli Twoj teacher sie zorientuje, ze nie Twoje... ojoj!
To poprostu powie, że to nie moje zdanie:d. Szkoda, ze ja nie potrafię tak mówić i pisać po angielsku:(
a mam jeszcze małe pytanko. Bo tutaj w tym zdaniu : "Now, some advantages" napisałas, ze jest to nie pełne zdanie i nie mam pojęcia jak je zmienić zeby bylo dobrze. Chodzilo mi tutaj o jakies małe wprowadzenie do "korzysci z noszenia mundurków" moze masz pomysł?
Np: On the other hand{z drugiej strony}, there are a few advantages.
o dziękuję:)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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