Informal advice

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Napisałam taki list. Miał to być nieformalny meil do koleżanki w odpowiedzi na jej prośbę o poradę. jeśli ktoś był by tak miły i spojrzał na niego to z góry dziękuję :)

My dear Mary,
I was very sorry, when I got to know about your problems. It must have been difficult to go through something like that. I am sure your problem is not as serious as you say it is. Here is what I think you should do.
The best advice I can give you is not to give up. If you let your parents to behave like that, you will be feel like a small girl for rest your live. If I were in your shoes, I would tell the parents about everything that I felt.
You could even first talk witch your mother and after witch your father. Do not worry about thi situation so much. I am sure that if you talk with them right now, everything will be all right.
I hope that my advice helps and everything will get back to normality as soon as possible. I wish you good luck! I am looking forward to hearing from you,
Your Beata
If you let your parents 'to' (bez 'to') behave like that, you will 'be' (bez 'be' albo you will be made to feel) feel like a small girl for
THE rest OF your 'live' (tutaj jest potrzebny rzeczownik LIFE a nie czasownik live). If I were in your shoes, I would tell 'the' YOUR parents 'about' (niepotr) everything that I felt.
You could even first talk 'witch' (Freudian slip? tutaj 'with' a nie witch) your mother and after THAT 'witch' WITH your father. Do not worry about thiS situation so much.
..will get back to normaL as soon as possible.
Dzięki serdeczne już robię poprawki :)


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