essay about place (compare)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
When one travels to Ostróda after few years not having seen it, might be surprised how it has been changed since last time. It is not only environmental change, but also, and first of all, great cultural and mental. Because along with the view of the city, it’s dwellers changed as well. It is definately positive when it comes to the buildings and landscape, but as far as society is concerned it might not be so obvious what a huge impact made the outer change.
As a matter of fact ten years ago Ostróda was poor and unknown city, with ruined buildings and Old Town distroyed by the time. There was huge unemployment and rather
depressed people living in. Everything was bleak and negative, the only thing young people dreamed to do was to escape somewhere else. On the other hand, Ostróda is situated in a beautiful region called Mazury. In summer lakes and forests are on hand but unfortunately there used to be a problem with facilities such as transportation or there was no place to eat and stay with family to enjoy nature. Briefly- was very inconvenient then in there.
When Poland joined EU in 2005 many changes occured in Poland, and in Ostróda as a consequence. Thanks to money gained from Union, forgotten city flourished in months as a modern, multi-cultural city of opportunity, achievement, culture and sporting excellence where citizens and businesses thrive and visitors are always welcomed. People started beliving they can develope without migrating and feel comfortable in beautiful, restaurated city, with lovely Old Town, cinemas, events, and businesses. It goes without saying that last years’ improvement in the city caused great changes in people’s mentality and attitude to life.
People often claim that changes always convey something new and the atmoshere of the history is killed, even so there is another side to a coin – not only Ostróda became prettier but also it is very finacially independent place with it’s own idea how to solve problems and attract tourists and visitors. Thanks to those changes in Ostróda people started to feel comfortable and happy lately.What more is needed?


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