Prosze o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Prosze o sparwdzenie 4 krótkich form uzytkowcyh:
1. Ogloszenie
The day before yesterday I found casio wristwatch witch a silver metal bracelet, near red gate in the park.
Call John tel:111111
Hope the holder will be found
2. E-mail
Dear profesor hogwart
I am writing with regard to coretion my exam. What can i correct it? What are my degree in this semestr? Can I corect my exam in next friday?
Yours Sincerely
3. Ankieta
- what in your opinion about location this supermarket Biedronka?
- do you like groceries in tgis supermarket?
- what do you think about the personnel and the o'clock opening supermarket?
- thank for your answer and have you a good day.
4. Pocztówka
Dear John.
Greetinf from Zakopane. I'm staying at my uncle. The weather is good. I went there because I get invitations for this Easter from my uncle. I'm going climbing on the mountain. Greeting and happy Easter.
i jescze jeden
5 Notatka
I must something do, so I went for the bank, post office and my school.
I come back about 2 p.m., because I need some hours.
Fresh cake for you is kitchen cupboard.
Watching the TV.
I'm sorry and if something will be wrong, call me: 11111