histoyjka! sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
The most terrible history in my life to happened two years ago. It was when I and my friend Marcin decided to go to the forest on mushrooms. We looking for mushrooms by the long time but we couldn't find nothing. We were already bored and tired continuous walking. We decided that we will rest on the old trunk of the tree and to go out from forest. Suddenly is started horrible rain. We were wandering a long time in the forest and we couldn't find exit. It was already dark when we heard rustling. The rustle was more and more loud. We were scared and we didn't know what we have to do. Suddenly from behind the tree emerged the man figure. It was forester. We felt so happy then. He led out us from the forest and we went home.
The most terrible history in my life 'to' (niepotr) happened two years ago. It
was when 'I and my friend' MY FRIEND Marcin and I) Marcin decided to go to the forest TO PICK 'on' (niepotr) mushrooms. We WERE looking for mushrooms 'by' (Nie rozumiem uzycia tego slowa tutaj) A 'the' (niepotr) long time, (przecinek przed 'but') but we couldn't find 'nothing' (zle slowo - prosze sie oduczyc jego uzywania w ten sposob....tutaj ma byc ANYTHING). We were already bored and tired BY THE continuous walking. We decided that we 'will' WOULD rest on 'the' AN old trunk of 'the' A tree and 'to' (niepotr) go out from forest. Suddenly 'is' 'IT started horrible rain' (niegram..it started to rain, a horrible rain started) .. We were wandering a long time in the forest and we couldn't find THE exit. It was already dark when we heard SOME rustling. The rustle was GETTING more and more loud. We were scared and we didn't know what we 'have to' (niepotr) SHOULD do. Suddenly from behind the tree emerged 'the man figure' A FIGURE OF A MAN. It was THE forester.
He led 'out us' US OUT from the forest and we went home.


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