Memo do sprawdzenia

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.

To: All staff
From: Mrs Hasten, Personnel Manager
Subject: Overdue holiday
Date: 4th October 2008
Owing to the coming Christmas our company makes decision about holiday in this year.
1. Simon in Admin Dept attend holidays period. Please contact with him in person in 245 room or by telephone ext. 450.
2. All leaves must be taken by end of year because company will not pay for unused days.
3. December 25 and 26 are public holiday and they don’t be include in holidays.
We send you all best wishes for happy and peaceful Christmas.
jaki mialas temat do napisania?
o czym miałas napisac?
do tego memo miała zadanie takie jak na LCCI
tresc zadania:
Situation: You work in the Head Office of Anglo Energy plc.
Mrs Hasten, Personnel manager, says "Christmas is rapidly approaching and we need to know who is going to be on holiday and when. Can you write a memo to all staff for me based on these notes I've made?" here are Mrs Hasten's notes.

Already December - time to plan Christmas holidays. All Staff who want holidays - contacy Simon in Admin Dept (Room 245 tel. Ext. 450)asap. need to know dates reguested. All holiday leave must be taken by dec 31 - can't be paid out. Add that Dec 25 and 26 are public holidays and not deducated from annual leave.


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