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Through the ages the role of women and men was family and socially defined. The stereotype of the woman who stay at home, cooking, washing the dishes, raising the children disappeared as quickly as the vision of man being the only family’s support. The world is less curious when things seams to be the same. Changing society and the role of both genders causes sometimes funny situations and NOT funny incomprehension between this two equal but different sexes. Understanding, accepting and loving the behaviors and differences between men and women can be a serious problem. Some of the most obvious differences can be illustrated by watching typical reaction of men and women in particular situations. This essay will clearly give you some examples of this diversity.

Each gender approaches problems in a totally different manner than the other one. This problems can touch things like: using bathrooms and telephones, dressing up, bringing up children and many, many more. First of them, which can be discussed in his essay are colors. It is generally known that colors can be fully distinguished only by women. Men just think “blue is blue, and it is nice”, “green is green, and it is also nice”, so why do not put them together and wear green shoes and blue trousers? Such blend gives the impression of being neglected, tasteless and tawdry, what create the feeling of disguise in/on/at the opposite sex. For petticoats it is obvious this two colors do not fit each other and look good only in the nature.
Next thing worth consideration are children. A mother knows everything about her offspring. Her knowledge about them include their friends, favorite foods and drinks, girlfriends (or boyfriends), planes for the future, material needs, clothes or dentist appointments. A mother knows what is dangerous for her child and not recommended in care of it. A father usually knows the number of people living at home, place of hidden sweets and alcohol and time of football matches on “Euro sport” or some local television.
Men are everlasting babies. Little girls play with toys and dolls at least to the time they reach about twelve years old. Than they lose interest. Men inversely, only formally. As they grow up, become older, their toys become more and more complicated, more and more expensive and more and more impractical. Buying ingenious toys for children and forbidding them to play with them without presence of father can be a good example how man hide their childish outbursts and minority.
On the other hand some of the character features of women’s have not changed since being a nine-year old girls. This is for example their mania of dressing up. A statistic woman is able to dress up even 5 to 6 times a day! It happens when she goes shopping, goes to the swimming pool, cooks a meal, meets her friends, goes to the doctor, feeds children…

Second example is when she goes shopping. During this luxurious activity she buys a numerous number of items, that she really don’t need, but they are on sale-half-priced. Later, in her bathroom are 186 strange items. In contrast man dresses only for weddings or funerals, buy things he need only for elementary needs (in bathroom he has six items: soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, shaving cream, electric razor and a towel. He is not able to name or idenyify more than 15 of woman’s bathroom staff.

Some psychologists have noticed that women speaks in the whole paragraphs, but men speaks in words, sentences more possibly. It can be seen in doing some of the activities like using the telephone. Men use it as a communication tool- they send short messages and have short calls in order to załatwić sprawy. The opposite sex as soon as she reaches home after four-day visiting friend, she calls her “only to say she’s on place” and talk with her and gossips for another two or three hours.
Thinking of getting married, notice that women expect man he will change after wedding, but he doesn’t. A man hopes his wife will not change, but she does. Think twice before making up your decision.

Co o nim sądzicie i czy widzicie jakies błędy? Praca powinna byc na poziomie prawie-advanced...
(nie do tematu- ale lubie slowo 'prawie' tak jak moge powiedziec 'prawie jestem w ciazy')

The stereotype of the woman who stayS (bo woman tutaj to 3os.l.poj) at home, cooking, washing the dishes, raising the children disappeared as quickly as the
vision of THE man being the 'only family's' (zla kol slow - the family's only) (mozesz dodac ...means of) support. The world is less curious when things 'seams' (o jakich szwach piszesz - ortog) to be the same. Changing society and the role of both genders 'causes sometimes' (zla kol slow - sometime causes) funny situations and NOT funny incomprehension between 'this' (ale przeciez piszesz o l. mn - two sexes - dlaczego uzywasz 'this?) two equal but different sexes.
Each gender approaches problems in a totally different manner 'than' FROM
the other one. 'This' (this odnosi sie do l. poj - dlaczego masz problemS-l. mn?) problems can touch things like: using bathrooms and telephones, dressing up, bringing up children and many, many more.
First of 'them' THESE, which 'can be' (co to znaczy 'can be' albo IS being discussed albo nie - tutaj IS being) discussed in his essay are colors (rozumiem ze to ma byc w AmE). It is generally 'known' (nie pisalabym 'known' lepiej 'assumed') that colors can be fully distinguished only by women.
Such blend gives the impression of being neglected, tasteless and tawdry, 'what' (prosze nie uzywac 'what' jako odpowiednik 'co' w jez. polskim - tutaj WHICH) createS (it createS) the feeling of 'disguise' (chyba nie wlasciwe slowo- nie wiem co masz na mysli) 'in/on/at' (mysle, ze zdane z nich - moze byc WITH) the opposite sex. For petticoats it is obvious 'this' (dlaczego nie rozruzniasz l. poj od l. mn- jak masz rzecz w l. mn to THESE) two colors do not fit each other and look good only in 'the' (niepotr) nature.
Next thing worth 'consideration' CONSIDERING are children.
Her knowledge about them includeS (masz HER-3os.l.poj - prosze dostosowac czas to 3os.l.poj) their friends, favorite foods and drinks, girlfriends (or boyfriends), 'planes' (o jakich samolotach tutaj piszesz - tu PLANS) for the
future, material needs, clothes or dentist appointments. A mother
knows what is dangerous for her child and not recommended in THE care of
it. A father usually knows the number of people living at home, 'THE place
of hidden' (lepiej...the hiding place of sweets...) sweets and alcohol and THE time of football matches on “Euro sport" or some local television.
Little girls play with toys and dolls at least 'to' TILL the time they reach about twelve years. 'old' (niepotr). 'Than' THEN they lose interest.
...Men inversely, only formally... (nie rozumiem tego zdania - wiem co chcesz powiedziec, ale moja wersja jest troszeczke 'rude').
Buying ingenious toys for children and forbidding them to play with them without THE presence of THE father can be a good example OF how A man CAN hide 'their' (jak mowisz o 'man' to l. poj- HIS) childish outbursts and 'minority' (zle slowo).
On the other hand some 'of the character features' (zla kol slow - characteristic features of a ..) 'of'(niepotr) 'women's' WOMAN have not
changed since being 'a' (niepotr) nine-year old girls.
A statisticAL woman is able to dress up even 5 to 6 times a day! It happens when she goes shopping, goes to the swimming pool, cooks a meal, meets her friends, goes to the doctor, feeds THE children...
During this luxurious
activity she buys a numerous number of items, that she really 'don't' (prosze nie uzywac tego kolokw - tutaj w calosci DOES NOT) need, but they are on sale-half-priced. Later, in her bathroom THERE are 186 strange items. In contrast A man dresses only for weddings or funerals, buyS (he BUYS) things he 'need' (no kochanie - 3os.l.poj - chyba wiesz jak czasowniki maja wygladac) only for elementary needs (in bathroom he has six items: soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, shaving cream, electric razor and a towel. He is not able to name or 'idenyify' (ortog) more than 15 'of' ITEMS IN A woman's bathroom 'staff' (zle slowo - tutaj STUFF).
Some psychologists have noticed that 'women' (women to jest l.mnoga - dlaczego uzywasz czas w 3os.l.poj?) 'speaks' in 'the' (niepotr) whole paragraphs, but 'men speaks' (speaks to 3os.l.poj-prosze dostosowac to do in words, (more possibly) sentences. more possibly. 'It' THIS can be seen 'in' WHEN doing some of the activities 'like' (co to jest 'like using a telephone - ale uzywasz telefon albo nie - napisz SUCH AS) using the telephone. Men
use it as a communication tool- they send short messages and have
short calls in order to 'załatwić sprawy'(conclude their business?). HOWEVER< WHEN IT COMES TO the opposite sex, as soon as she reaches home after 'four-day visiting friend' VISITING HER FRIEND FOR FOUR-DAYS, she calls her
“only to say she's 'on place' (to jest kalka z polskiego -prosze tego nie uzywac - she has ARRIVED" and talk with her and 'gossips' (tutaj L.poj) for
another two or three hours.
IF YOU ARE thinking of getting married, notice that women expect THAT THE man 'he' (niepotr) will change after THE wedding, but he doesn't.
Think twice before making 'up' (niepotr) your decision.
Dziękuje. Rzeczywiście tymi końcówkami się nie przejęłam, żeby je sprawdzić. Pomyślę jeszcze nad zakończeniem i na pewno dam znać jak pracę ocenił wykładowca- native speaker.

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