1 zdanie

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1-30 z 48
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Prosze o sprawdzenie tego zdania.

Babcia kazała mi co chwilę zasłaniać oczy, ale podglądałem przez szparę między palcami- no i miałem póżniej problem z zaśnięciem

From time to time I was forced by my grandmother to cover my eyes with my hands.But I was peeping at/over the gap with/through my fingers and later I had problems with falling asleep.
My grandmother told me to cover my eyes from time to time, but I was peeping through the gap of my fingers and later on had problems with falling asleep.
Gracias Maxi:)) dziekuje slicznie;)
A jeszcze jedno mam takie dziwne zdanie

Są tez najwazniesze w liczącej kilkadziesiąt tytułow filmografii Kinskiego(...) " Kinski był stworzony dla mojego kina"- powie już po śmierci swego aktora.

There are also the most important in Kinski's filmography including few titles.
"Kinski was made for his cinema" - would say Herzog after the death of his actor
To bylo bardzo trudne.
Po prostu wystarczy wejcs na strone www.ling.pl
Na tej stronce mozna wszystko przetłumaczyc.
Jeśli macie jakies problemy z przetłumaczeniem czegoś prosze odpisywac.
Ale sam link nie wystarczy zeby dobrze i poprawnie przetlumaczyc tekst bez kalek jezykowych ktore podstepnie sie chca w niego wcisnać;P
"Kinski was made for his cinema" - would say Herzog after the death of his actor. - "Kiński był stworzony dla kina" - tak powiedziałby Herzog po śmierci swojego actora.
>>>>Kinski was made for his cinema" - 'would say' (nie w tym miejscu) Herzog WOULD SAY after the death of his actor.
;-) Ok, to mogło mi się zdarzyć. Już będę pamiętał.
Bez "with"
Raczej z "with"
ling.pl jest dla licealistów, tłumaczenie wymaga pewnej nadwyżki, oj nieprosta to sprawa :)
bez 'with'

You asked me in one topic how my Olympic contest was going. Well, it's gone. Don't know my result, though. Now I only have to score max at the Matura exam ;-)
Dzięki Chłopaki!! Jeszcze takie jedno z tym sentymentem;/

Potem niestety straciłem sentyment do kina grozy

But unfortuantely later on I lost the sentiment to horror movies.
Podawaj szerszy kontekst, bo nie wiadomo do czego odnosi się to zdanie "są najważniejsze w liczącej..".

Pięć filmów, które razem nakręcili, są porażającym, jednym z najlepszych w kinie zapisów szaleństwa i studium samotności. Są też najważniejsze w liczącej kilkadziesiąt tytułów filmografii Kinskiego. Ostatni raz spotkali się na planie "Cobra Verde" (1988). Kinski powiedział wtedy Herzogowi: "To wszystko, co mogliśmy razem osiągnąć. Na więcej się nie piszę". "Kinski był stworzony dla mojego kina" – powie Herzog już po śmierci swojego aktora.

The five films they made together are electrifying; one of the best in cinema (history) recordings of madness and a study of loneliness. Also, the most important films that can be found in Kinski's filmography, which includes a few dozen titles. It was on the "Cobra Verde (1988) set they met for the last time. Then Kinski said to Herzorg: "That's all we could achieve together. Now, I am for no more! As Herzog would say after death of his actor: "Kinski was born to act in my cinema."
merix Kochany znalazleś gdzieś to tłumaczonko??
sam zrobiłem :)
Kurcze naprawde?? Podziwiam!! A moglbabym Ci to całe wysłać jeszcze na maila zanim oddam prowadzącemu z kontrastywnej. Oddal mi do poprawy i teraz nie chce juz zepsuc;/
wklej tutaj całe, tu są specjaliści w swoim rodzaju, to pomogą.

Ja nie wiem czy zdążę Ci to sprawdzić, ale możesz wysłać na [email]
Na kiedy to masz? Dużo tego?
Piotr Bukartyk
(adopted from Film 11/2008)
„Frankenstein” from 1931 was a memorable horror movie for me. I saw it at my grandmother’s place when I was 7. It was 37 years ago. The film was black-and-white as well as the television set. What’s more, Boris Karloff played the main character. My grandmother told me to cover my eyes from time to time, but I was peeping through the gap of my fingers and later on had problems falling asleep. I remember two scenes from this movie: the burning mill in which the monster was killed and a girl picking flowers when suddenly she stands face to face with the monster. I really liked watching those horror movies with Karloff and Bela Lugosi but unfortunately later on I lost the sentiment to horror movies. I got bored with this American cliché: someone is being chased and his feet gets stuck in something… Of course, when I was a student I didn’t avoid a traveling home video. If someone owned a video recorder he or she could earn money from it – we watched terrible copies on cassettes on tiny television sets then. But I won’t say that I didn’t get fascinated in horror films again. I used to like more realistic horror movies like “ The silence of the lambs”. Ghosts are not necessary there, because to tell the truth people are always the worst.

Werner Herzog and Klaus Kinski (adapted from Film 11/2008)

Kinski called Herzog a pitiful, cowardly, sadistic, greedy monster. (…) He argued with him, insulted him, tried to provoke a fight or he didn’t say a word for years. But each time when Herzog was offering him a part, Kinski took it without hesitation. “I know that I owe him a lot, he owed me a lot as well, but he never wanted to admit”, wrote Herzog after many years.
“ Aquirre: The Wrath of God” ( 1972) was their first joint venture. They were taking the shots a few months in jungle in Peru. The team was living in terrible conditions. Kinski and Herzog were arguing constantly. Many years after, the director declared that he was the one who used to provoke those argues. “ I wanted to make him tired after a few hours of yelling. I wanted him to be in a proper mood - silent, calm and dangerous.”
After “Aquirre…” Kinski and Herzog didn’t stay in contact for several years until 1978 when Kinski agreed to make two films with Herzog “ Nosferatu” and “Woyzeck”.(…)
The five films they made together are a shocking portrayal of madness and a study of loneliness, one of the best in the history of cinema. Also, the most important films that can be found in Kinski's filmography, which includes a few dozen titles (…) "Kinski was born to act in my cinema." – Herzog would say after death of his actor.
z takim kontekstem można działać, wklej jeszcze polską wersję :)
wcześniej podawałaś pojedyncze zdania, które Ci przetłumaczono, ale widzę teraz, że trzeba wprowadzić parę zmian :)
Horrorem, który rzeczywiście zapadł mi w pamięci, był "Frankenstein" z 1931 roku. Obejrzałem go u babci, gdy mialem lat 7, czyli 37 lat temu. Film był czarno-biały, telewizor czarno-biały, do tego Boris karloff w roli głownej.. Babcia kazała mi co chwilę zasłaniać oczy, ale podglądałem przez szparę między palcami - no i miałem pózniej problem z zaśnieciem. Pamietam z tego filmu dwie sceny: płonący młyn gdzie w końcu zabito potwora, i dziewczynkę zbierającą kwiatki, która nagle staje twarzą twarz z monstrum. Te wczesne horrory z Karloffem i Belą Lugosim naprawdę lubiłem oglądać, potem, niestety straciłem sentyment do kina grozy. Zaczął mnie nudzić Amerykański schemat- ze ktos kogoś goni, a uciekającemy nagle grzezną w czymś nogi.. Ale oczywiscie nie ominelo mnie objazdowe wideo z czasów studenckich: jak ktoś miał mangnetowid, to zarabiał na tym pieniądze- oglądało się wówczas fatalne kopie z kaset na malenkich telewizorach. NIe powiem jednak, żeby horrory zaczęły mnie wtedy na nowo kręcić. Lubiłem natomiast bardziej realistyczne filmy grozy w rodzaju "Milczenie owiec". Tam żadnych duchów nie potrzeba, bo przecież tak naprawdę najgorsi są zawsze ludzie.
z tym "with" to różnie bywa :)
Byłbym ostrożny pakku. Wiem, że wymiatasz w tego typu rzeczach, ale kiedyś prowadziłem dysputę na temat dodawania bądź nie "with" do problems. Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, to w słownikach zobaczysz "have a problem with sb/sth" i nie jest to kalka. Bardziej przemawia do mnie "trouble falling asleep", jeśli już obstajemy przy wersji bez "with". :)
have problems with sb/sth ale nie with doing sth

Generalnie wersja bez 'with' brzmi wedlug mnie duzo lepiej niz ta z 'with', ale nie jestem do konca pewien, czy z 'with' tez nie byloby poprawnie. A ze zwykle pisze to, czego jestem pewien stuprocentowo, napisalbym na pewno bez 'with'. (google zdaje sie zreszta to potwierdzac)
Tak na szybko, może jeszcze ktoś sprawdzi.

The horror film that really stuck in my mind was “Frankenstein” (1931).
I watched it at my grandmother's house when I was 7, which was 37 years ago. The
>film was black-and-white, so was the TV set, and Boris Karloff played the main character. My grandmother told me to cover my eyes from time to time, but I was peeping through the gap of my fingers and later on had trouble falling asleep. I remember two scenes from this film: the burning mill in which the monster was
>finally killed and a girl picking up flowers who suddenly stands face to
>face with the monster. I really liked watching those horror films
>with Karloff and Bela Lugosi. Unfortunately, I lost my fondness for
>horror films later on. I was getting bored with this American cliché:
>that someone is being chased and his feet are immediately getting bogged down in something... Of course, as a student I experienced a video show when traveling, those who had a video recorder could make money on it. I remember those times when we were watching terrible copies of films from cassettes on tiny TV sets. But I wouldn’t say that I got fascinated by horror films again. I enjoyed watching more realistic horror films, though. Those similar to “Silence of the Lambs". Ghosts are not needed there, because, to tell you the truth,
>people are always the worst.
Dziekie dzieki i jeszcze raz dzieki.. Nic dodac nic ująć!
>My grandmother told me to cover my eyes from time to time, but I was
>peeping through the gap of my fingers and later on had problems with
>falling asleep.

Your fingers have gaps?

...and later on had problems with
>falling asleep.

A:I have difficulty falling asleep. I have problem falling asleep.
You have a problem with that?
B:Yeah, I have a problem with that. You keep me awake all night long, and I hate that.
>>My grandmother told me to cover my eyes from time to time, but I
>>peeping through the gap of my fingers and later on had problems
>>falling asleep.
>Your fingers have gaps?

.. through the gap BETWEEN my fingers and later on had problems falling asleep.

so you think "gaps" is wrongly used?

I've been thinking about that usage of "with" and to tell you the truth it might slightly change the meaning

If you want to say:
"Mam problemy z dotarciem do niego" - I have problems talking to him
Mam problemy z docieraniem do niego - I have problems with talking to him

There is that slight change of the meaning, I guess. What you think?
>so you think "gaps" is wrongly used?

No, it's all about the preposition: if you say "through the gap of my fingers" it'll mean there is a gap IN your fingers, which I am sure you will agree makes little sense.

>>There is that slight change of the meaning, I guess. What you think?

I think, though I'm not sure, that in English you either have problem doing something or problem with something.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1-30 z 48
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