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Hello Ann,

very nice to hear from you. I understand that you've been very active- making preparations for exams, working, keeping fit- so there is no need to apologise for writing sooner.

Have you been in touch with Jack? I' ve got some breaking news from him. He's going out with new girl- Amy. How did they met? She left her back in a cafe and Jack found it. There were ID and wallet inside so he knew the adress and gave back lost property to its owner- beautiful, well-groomed girl. She was so grateful that she invited Jack (na kawę) and they fell in love at the first sight.

Amy is a sloppy but cheerful person- always smiling and in a good mood. For me, they are (dobraną) couple. And what do you think about this relationship?

Stay well and in a good spirits through the winter months.


Prosiłabym o sprawdzenie i pomoc w dobraniu słów w nawiasach.Czy proporcje listu nie są złe?
(It's) very nice to hear from you. I understand that you've been very active-
making preparations for exams, working, keeping fit- so there is no
need to apologise for NOT writing sooner.
How did they 'met' MEET? She left her 'back' (chyba BAG) in a cafe and Jack found it. There were ID and wallet inside so he knew the adDress and HE gave back THE lost property to its owner- beautiful, well-groomed girl. She was so grateful that she invited Jack (na kawę- for coffee) and they fell in love at 'the' (niepotr) first sight.
For me, they are (dobraną-well-matched) couple.
Dzięki wielkie :) Literówki i błędy z nieuwagi ;]


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