
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Napisałem właśnie list motywacyjny i CV po angielsku mógłby mi ktoś to sprawdzić ??
Z góry dziękuję :)
Dear company,

With reference to your job advertisement in Your website, I would like to apply my CV.
Actually I have degree at Higher School of Informatics and Managements - Sector IT.
I'm very ambitious so much of my knowledge I get myself and work eagerness. I have held practice in enterprise Microsoft on position Marketing Specialist, where I have obtained written references. As IT Student I have very comprehensive knowledge so I got a contract to perform a specified task with enterprise Microsoft sp. z o.o., as Marketing Specialist.
I was very helpful in creation and accustoming of new product on market and I have some experience in analysis of competition and professional multimedia presentation. I executed a lot of duties by myself. I worked a lot at creation on marketing campaigns on year 2009. I have knowledge about Polish IT Sector and I have technical knowledge which is very helpful. I think, that I would be able to contribute from knowledge for new work-place great deal.
Actually I live in Warsaw and I would like apply for admittance to Warsaw University. Also I would like to get more knowledge of foreign language e.g. French and marketing, managements and IT Sector.
I hope so that my candidacy will be accepted prosperously and it will allow me on conquest of additional experience



2[tel] Student of informatics in Olsztyn High School of Informatics
and Managements


2009 Engineering work:
Title: „Comparison of technology PHP and MySQL with ASP .NET in C# and Microsoft SQL Server”.

Doświadczenie Zawodowe


Contract to perform a specified task with enterprise Microsoft sp. z o.o.,
Marketing Specialist – Warsaw,
Creation web application, market analysis, analysis of partners, independent analyses of competition

01.10-31.12 2008
Participation in practice led by enterprise Microsoft sp. z o.o.,
Marketing Specialist – Warsaw,
Marketing specialist and creating web application requirements of marketing campaigns on year 2009,

Tasks: Freelancer
Solving IT problems,
Creation web application, learning systems, computer animation, presentations,

Tourist center: Wilczy Szaniec / Wolfsschanze
Attendance of Client
First of all, attendance of foreign client in languages English, German, Russian,

▪ Computer

- Very good knowledge about operating systems from Windows family,
- Knowledge about Linux System,
- Knowledge about Microsoft Office and OpenOffice,
- Abilities related with graphic programs:
• Adobe Photoshop,
• Adobe AfterEffect,
• Adobe Premiere,
• Adobe Illustrator,
• CorelDraw,
• Ciemna 4D,
• 3D Studio Max,
- Knowledge of Flash technology:
• Adobe Flash,
• Swish,
- Creating and modeling Extended Databases:
• MySQL,
• Microsoft SQL Server,
- Schemes and operations on data:
• DML - Data Manipulation Language,
- Programming languages:
• PHP,
• C#,
• JavaScript,
• C,
• C++,
• XML,
- Ability of object oriented programming,
- Very good knowledge of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS),
- Experience in work with system of control of version (SVN),
- Working with CMS e.g. Joomla,
- Abilities related with programs:
• Microsoft Visual Studio 2008,
• Adobe Dreamweaver CS3,
- Basic knowledge of Enterprise Architect,
- Very good knowledge of W3C standards,
- Acquaintance of project pat tern,
- Ability creation of professional multimedia presentation,
- Ability to equipment problem solving,

▪ Marketing

- Acquaintance principle conduct of Microsoft sp. z o.o business,
- Skillful procedures conducts of marketing operations,
- Experience in translation of market analysis,
- Experience in independent analyses of competition,
- Experience in process of marketing strategy creation,
- Preparation presentation for staff of manager based on processed strategy,
- Analysis of partners,
- Preparation websites on requirements of marketing campaigns,
- SEM - Search Engine Marketing

Additional abilities

- Dynamic, creative, work in group, opened on other solutions, with sense of humor, articulate, liking new challenges,
- Driving license category B,
- Languages:
• English - Good,
• German – Basic,
• Russian – Basic,
- High personal culture,
- Ability of work under pressure of time,
- Punctuality,
- Fast learn of new ability,
- Ability of abstract thinking,


- climbing
- swimming, sailing
- journeys
- specialistic literature: IT, marketing, management,
- testing of Microsoft Software on Microsoft Connect,,


- Honorable mention in Enterprise Microsoft sp z o.o. with written exposure very good report , (References available upon request.)


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie