opowiadanie bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mam za zadanie opisac opowiadanie na dowolny temat i właśnie zaczęłam (narazie mam początek) bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie błędów i ewentualne poprawki:)

I did not remember when sam them first time. I think that it was September. Sunny, summer days passed a long time ago. The park was foggy and very enigmatic. Of course at the beginning I did not notice it at all. I ran my favourite footpath and I looked an time on the stopwatch.
I started my everyday training just with the evening. I liked it when the park had been dark and calmly. From this reason only after the certain time I noticed that people who I have always passed are always the same steam.
oj w pierwszym zdaniu powinno byc zamiast sam "I saw" włączyła się autokorekta w wordzie :)


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Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie