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Every parent want to bring up his children in a good way. What does it mean in a good way? In my opinion it means to do everything to make them good and sensitive people. Because when we are good to others and we are able to share goods with others, we are really happy.
However, many parents have to raise their children without much knowledge and experience and that is the reason of their mistakes.
Many people ask themselves a question: what qualities should be cultivated in children and how such qualities can be taught?

Firstly, adults have to show children the difference between good and evil. We can do it by reading them fairy tales, for example 'Cinderella', 'Snow White', 'Ugly Duckling' and talk to them about good and bad characters and behaviors. One of this bad behavior can be lying. It's difficult to teach somebody being honest, because sometimes the lie seems to be the best solution. And this is our role to show children that lying and cheating makes people anxious and even sad, because they are afraid that the truth will come to light. We are obligated to explain youngsters that they should treat other people the way they want to be treated by them.
A good idea to prevent children from becoming selfish is teaching them, that there are some people who are poor and they need help. We can motivate them to buy something useful for children from the orphanage or for poorer schoolmates, rather than buying unnecessary things for them. Instead of trying to keep everything for themselves, they should be able to share things with family members.
We should reward or praise them for all their good deed to make them sure they behave appropriately.
Another essential thing is to show children the meaning of working and studying. That's way they should have some duties like cleaning their room and helping their parents in different housework...Otherwise they become lazy. We all know that sense of duty is really important in adult life.
Sometimes mothers make mistakes and replace their sons in tidying their room and when they become adult, they can't keep clean their own flats.

Finally I would like to say that it is very difficult task to bring up children in a good way. Nowadays, cultivating qualities isn't easy, because children have access to TV and Internet, which often have a bad influence on them. Parents can't burden teachers with a duty of raising their children.
The best way to make children sensitive to other people's needs and make them honest and sensible is just spending with them a lot of time and talking to them.
Every parent wantS (parent-he, she 3os.l.poj) to bring up his children in a good way. What does 'it mean in a good way' THAT MEAN?
In my opinion it means to do everything (possible)to make them good and sensitive people. Because when we are good to others and we are able to share 'goods' (moze lepiej THINGS) with others, we are really happy.
However, many parents have to raise their children without much
knowledge and experience and that is the reason 'of' FOR their mistakes.
Many people ask themselves a question: what qualities should be
cultivated in children and how such qualities can be taught?
'We' (nie, bo we-odnosi sie do adults- czy to masz na mysli?) can do it by reading them fairy tales, for example 'Cinderella', 'Snow White', 'Ugly Duckling' and talk to them about good and bad characters and THEIR behaviors. One of this ASPECTS OF bad behavior can be lying. It's difficult to teach somebody 'being' TO BE honest, because sometimes the lie seems to be the best solution. And this is 'our' (czy nie lepiej...the parents- bo tutaj wyglada, ze sama jestes 'a parent') role to show children that lying and cheating makes people anxious and even sad, because they are afraid that ONE DAY the truth will come to light. We are 'obligated' (nie, tutaj OBLIGED to explain TO youngsters that they should treat other people the way THAT they WOULD want to be treated by them.
A good idea to prevent children from becoming selfish is teaching
them, that there are some people who are poor and THAT they need help. We
can motivate them to buy something useful for children from the
orphanage or for poorer schoolmates, rather than buying unnecessary
things for themSELVES.
'We' (j/w - lepiej...Parents) should reward or praise them for all their good deedS (l. mnoga) to 'make them sure' (nie, lepiej ENSURE THAT they behave appropriately.
'That's' 'way' (zle slowo - tutaj WHY they should have some duties like cleaning their room and helping their parents in different housework...
Sometimes mothers make mistakes and 'replace their sons' (cos tego nie lubie - ale pomysle o tyym) in tidying their room and when they become adultS, they can't keep 'clean' (clean jest w zlym miejscu) their own flats CLEAN.
Finally I would like to say that it is A very difficult task to bring
up children in a good way.
Parents 'can't' (nie, tutaj SHOULD NOT) burden teachers with a
duty of raising their children.
The best way to make children sensitive to other people's needs and
make them honest and sensible is just spending A LOT OF TIME with them 'a lot of time' (niepotr) and BY talking to them.


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