Mialem opisac taki cytat: "A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night,
and in between does what he wants to". Moglby mi ktos to sprawdzic :)
[code]How to reach the top.? How to be a successful man.? My favourite quotation tells:
Just do what you want. But isn't it real.? Success doesn't mean a lot of money or
prestige. Oh, in minds of million people success means money, but it's only the
propaganda to pull poor people to work as "slaves" to exploit them by corporations.
And those "slaves" think, that they work for success...
In my opinion SUCCESS is a relative concept. This idea oughtn't to be imposed us,
every one human should decide, what he needs and what he should do to get it and get
satisfaction. For one it is love, for another relax in the beach and for another
play the guitar. Only then every another person is able to be realized. To do it you
just need to getting up in the morning and going bed at night, and in between doing what
you want.[/code]