proszę o sprawdzenie listu.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie listu nieformalnego do koleżanki. Pisałam sama, więc nie wiem co mi z tego wyszło. Na moje oko nie jest źle, ale pewnie znajdą się błędy. na pewno się znajdą...

Dear Kate,

Thanks for your letter. It was great to hear from you. I'm in Holland from week. Do you remember how I told, that my dad are working there? I went to him with my mum. The journey was terrible! We went almost thirteen hours! Fortunately near me sat very nice girl and we told all the time.

I sleep in very big living room, and on storey in the rooms dad's friends and my parents. Every day my dad wakes me about 5 am, because he and his friends go to work. Later I tried to fall asleep but I can't. After breakfast I go to shopping with my mum! I have already so many clothes! I almost forget about the most important. In the shop 'Coach' I met very nice boy! I don't know his name, because is very difficult. He is black man, so his name strangely sound.
When I tried on shoes, he still asked me about shoes, sizes. He wanted to put it on my feet, but I made this alone. Practically in everyone shop with shoes is the same. Every time when I crossed near 'Coach' and he saw me, he smiled to me. Yesterday I bought there shoes and he invited me on Coke. This is today! It will be very cool! I have hope, that I will understand what he will tell to me. OK the end about him.

Holland is really very beautiful and people are different than in Poland. Everybody smile to you and say hello. The Police are the best! Woman rides on horse over the city. The horses are very big and very beautiful. This is really cool!

I'm going to the beach right because today is good weather so I finish.

Write soon!


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