Proszę o sprawdzenie!!! Bardzo ważne!!!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
In the word are more and more people and majority from them are living in a city. Biger towns combine with village and create an agglomeration. People begun worryied about condition ecology. In the our city isn't bedly, but always it could be better.
We have in the city parks, lawns, greenery longways street. Office city should employe people for protection urban greenery because plants absorb CO2 and other air pollution. Urban green perform function estheticts and recreation in our city.
Office city ought buy special tools for canine waste. If municiplay guard exacted there offences People would ofter warn rules.
Plastic bags dacay hundreeds years. It isn't friendly to tje envirnament ying plastic bags are looking depressing especially in spring, when greenery hasn't yet and melted snow uncover under him bags. We should bay paper or material bags.
I thing that ecology live isn't difficult. Clear city is benefit for ouers and for complate environment.


Z góry dziękuję.
In the 'word' (ortog) THERE are more and more people and majority 'from' OF them 'are living' LIVE in a city. 'Biger' (ortog) towns combine with villageS and create an agglomeration.
'People begun worryied about condition ecology' (w zlym czasie i nawet tego nie rozumiem).
In the 'our' (po co tu slowo 'our')city IT isn't 'bedly' (zle slowo, zla czesc zdania i ortog), but IT COULD always 'it could' (niepotr) be better.
We have in the city parks, lawns, greenery 'longways street' (co t5o takiego jest?). 'Office city' (co to takiego?) should 'employe' (ortog) people for protection OF urban greenery because plants absorb CO2 and other air 'pollution' (zle slowo - tutaj pollutants). 'Urban green' (nie rozumiem) perform THE 'function' (w zlym miejscu) 'estheticAL' (ortog) FUNCTION and recreation in our city.
'Office city' (nie wiem co to jest) ought TO buy special tools for canine waste. If 'municiplay' (ortog) guard exacted 'there' (zle slowo) offences people would 'ofter' (ortog i zle slowo) 'warn rules' (nie wiem co masz na mysli).
Plastic bags 'dacay' (ortog) FOR 'hundreeds' (ortog) OF years. It isn't friendly to 'tje' (ortog) 'envirnament' (ortog) 'ying' (ortog) plastic bags are looking depressing especially in THE spring, when greenery hasn't yet (ale hasn't yet co?) and 'melted snow uncover under him' (zla kol slow) bags. We should 'bay' (ortog) paper or material bags.
I 'thing' (ortog) that ecology 'live' (zla czesc zdania) isn't difficult. A 'clear' (zle slowo) city is OF benefit for 'ouers' (niema takiego slowo tutaj US) and for THE 'complate' (ortog) environment.

Nie daje mi zadnej przyjemnosci poprawiac cos, gdzie prawie co drugie slowo jest ortog zle napisane. Prosze sie postarac.


Studia językowe


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia