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Chris ma pewien problem z nadwagą od niedawna i problem za spaniem. Jest zapracowany i zestresowany. Jest bardzo biedny.Daj mu jakieś rady jak być szczupłym i czuć się lepiej.Proszę o pomoc.

Dear Chris,
How are you? I'm writing to you because I had the similar(podobny dobrze?)problems.I couldn't loose weight and I was very stressed.I felt very bad but the family helped me.
First of all, why don't you go to the general practicioner and explain yours problem. I'm sure the doctor can help you with weight and sleeping. If I were you I will go for a walk every morning and I eat healthy food. I think you should't work too much but (więcej bawić się) and meet with friends. You'd better if you go to sleep early. You mustn't ignore this problem, your health is the most important thing.
Everything will be all OK.

Yours faithfully
czy ktoś może mi to sprawdzić? za wszelką pomoc dziękuję bardzo ;)
I'm writing to you because I had 'the' A similar 'problems' (nie, cos tu nie tak, albo 'a similar problem' albo 'similar problems).
First of all, why don't you go to the general practicioner and explain
'yours' YOUR problem. I'm sure the doctor can help you with (tutaj trzeba napisac...the problem of)weight and sleeping. If I were you I 'will' WOULD go for a walk every morning and I WOULD eat healthy food. I think you should't work too much but (więcej bawić się-play more) and meet with friends.
You'd FEEL better if you go to sleep early.


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