prosze o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Do you think some people worry too much about their diet and how they look? Who?

Yes I think that some people are oversensitive about their look and they start to be on a crash diet. Their weight come down but people are depressed and nervous. Next they become profoundly depressed and lost the ability to eat anything at all and feel cut off from the outside world. These are a symptomes of anorexia or bulimia. Two in every hundred schoolgirls has fully-developed anorexia. Often these people die through slow suicide or starvation. These facts are terrifying but more and more people in the world have these problems. We must prevent these mental diseases and to do away with stereotype of skinny is beauty.

Z góry dziekuje
a może jednak ktoś sprawdzi co jest źle ...:)
>Yes I think that some people are oversensitive about their look and
>they start to be on a crash diet.

...about their LOOKS and they start a crash diet.

Their weight come down (3 osoba!) but people
>are depressed and nervous.
comes down

Next they become profoundly depressed and
>lost the ability to eat anything

Piszesz w czasie teraźniejszym. Skąd nagle "lost" (czas przeszły)?

>These are a symptomes
Przed l. mnogą nie stawiamy "a"

and to do away with stereotype
>of skinny is beauty.
and do away with the stereotype that skinny is beautiful.
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